Hey Nerds, I've Got A Router Question.

The thing is, she first needs access to fibertel's router.

Just type: and see if you see something. Searching about that model, I found that perhaps the username is admin and the password is motorola. Then you will need the internal IP of the camera.. once you have that you will be able to go into a menu in fiberte's router called: Forwarding.

When I type into my browser (Safari) and hit return the blue bar moves about half way and stops and after a few minutes like that I get the message that "Safari can't open the page". Is it possible that Fibertel has somehow locked the router?
Opps, my screen shot didn't come through.

It showed an IPv4 address of and a subnet mask of and a router of

I am in Palermo Viajo and my computer is a MacBook Pro.


I don't think they blocked your modem.. something weird is going on. Are you sure the above information is correct? For example, this is my configuration when I type: ipconfig (on windows). Here is a link to check this with Mac (Link)


So, if I go into chrome and type that IP I get my router's site:


For example, looking at the link I gave you..


That's what you need to look for. If you get something like "default -- somename", try to ping that "somename". A routing table is like the phonebook. It tells you where to find things. In this case, default, means "whatever is not on this phonebook, sent it to this addres". That address is the IP of the default router, that will receive your request (go to facebook, to go cnn.com, to baexpats.org) and will retrieve the information for you.

Hope it helps :)
I have a similar setup with a security camera as well.

When I type into my browser (Safari) and hit return the blue bar moves about half way and stops and after a few minutes like that I get the message that "Safari can't open the page". Is it possible that Fibertel has somehow locked the router?

If you don't get access to that IP you might be running a double NAT if you have your Apple Extreme connected to the Motorola and don't have the Apple Extreme configured as a bridge.

One way to check this, is connect your Mac to the Motorola directly via ethernet, and reboot both devices.

Then on your Mac, open "Terminal" (find it under Applications > Utilities).

At the command prompt, type: ipconfig getifaddr en0

That should return your assigned IP address.

If it is a private IP (like 192.168.0.x, 10.x.x.x, or 172.16.x.x) that means your modem is acting as a router as well. You should now be able to go the first IP then (say and connect to the modem's web interface.

If you get something else like 190.x.x.x or 191.x.x.x for example, then it is not configured as a router and you have to do the firewall/router configuration on your Apple Extreme using the Airport Utility app.

For a motorola modem of your type, it could be login: admin / password: motorola. Thought ISP's here are known to change those default passwords.

Hope this helps. Let me know what results you get.