and you are anything but cool

, your comment is biased and completely discriminatory
Please give us a break, now it's all about south koreans
Were these kids southkoreans as well? And I'm only pasting the most well known and public incidents.
1) March 24 1998 Jenestoro Arkansas
Two kids aged 11 and 13 shoot their classmates killing 4 students and one teacher.
2) April 20th 1999, Columbine Colorado
Two students aged 17 and 18 kill 13 people at Columbine School before committing suicide
3) January 17th.2002, Grundy Virginia
A law student who had been expelled kills three people in a shooting
4) October 29, 2002, Tucson Arizona
Three people die as a result of a shooting at Tucson Arizona caused by a student who had been prevented from taking an exam.
5) March 21,2005 Minnesota, Red Lake
A 17th. year old student kills his grandparents and attacks his school. As a result before committing suicide he shoots 5 classmates and one adult.
6) September 27th. 2006 Bailey Colorado
A man takes 5 girls as hostages at a school in Baley, rapes one of them, kills a second and commits suicide
7) October 2 2006, Pennsylvania
A man opens fire at an amish community shool killing five girls and shooting himself after
Is it so hard to admit that in a violent society the right to carry guns should be forbidden? Mr. Bush not once addresses the issue during his speech at Virginia tech. As usual he recommends prayers for the dead in his typical mesianic style (God bless America is what he repeats more often since Sept.11th.)