Hey Paul NL: talking about violent societies

Umm....when was it a bad thing to have a high rate percentage of criminals behind bars? Do you prefer them to be walking out on the streets?
Elpanada, I didn't say there was anything "special" about the US. I said that overall the courts work quite well, that there is more justice, that there is a clear cut balance of power between the branches of government, that there is much less corruption and that there is a general sense of well being among the people. I don't consider these "special"characteristics. People in the US, Canada, much of Europe, Australia, etc. consider these normal characteristics for their societies. I never said that the US is perfect. I acknowledged its flaws. Defending the pluses of the US is not the same as saying that it is a paradise.
"sergio" said:
Elpanada, I didn't say there was anything "special" about the US. I said that overall the courts work quite well, that there is more justice, that there is a clear cut balance of power between the branches of government, that there is much less corruption and that there is a general sense of well being among the people. I don't consider these "special"characteristics. People in the US, Canada, much of Europe, Australia, etc. consider these normal characteristics for their societies. I never said that the US is perfect. I acknowledged its flaws. Defending the pluses of the US is not the same as saying that it is a paradise.

Regarding that general sense of well being among the people some polls indicate that people in the US generally rate their life satisfaction at 7.4 while Argentinians rate it at 6.8, that's hardly a big difference to make loud statements about. Now I've said this before but I'll say it again, according to you: "The reality is that the US has environmental protection laws that are far stricter than those of most countries."And what about the government? "The government does not cheat its citizens." You also say that: "Government services are provided in a generally very efficient way,
taxes are assessed and paid by most citizens, Social Security pensions
are good and paid without unnecessary red tape, judges are seldom
corrupt and if they are caught behaving improperly they are removed and
punished."And your legal system? ". The legal system, while too litigious in my opinion (perhaps a sign of respect for human rights) works. " So how are things really in the US? "There is a sense that one can live one’s life without obsessing about
the economy, with worrying about what the politicians are doing and
without fear of an economic disaster - without fear that the rules of
the game will be changed overnight."Well isn't that just grand?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satisfaction_with_Life_IndexAccording to it Argentina is closer to the good ol USA than the USA is to Denmark. I wonder if the good people of www.danesintheusa.com are at this very moment chatting about what a piece of shit place them states are?