Hillary Rodham Clinton Next President Of The United States.

Looking at her shameful post-election behavior I'm thankful that she didn't win. All of her maneuvers have backfired ie: the recount, getting the electors to break their pledges.

Yet her followers are still looking for ways to weaken Trump. My cousin sent me 4 hate-Trump cartoons yesterday. One claims "Hillary is the real president"
If I were Democrat, I would be horribly embarrassed how some of the Democratic leadership acted (recounts, blaming the loss on Russians, etc), or failed to act (not telling people to accept the results, at least), as people like Martin Sheen tried to push electors into a coup against the American people, all in the name of supposed Democracy (and the country isn't a democracy! Lose your ignorance!). They went 'way beyond anything the "birthers" (Trump included!) did, or anyone else for that matter, as far as not wanting to accept Obama as president. Shame on you all who acted that way.

Seems like it's the Democrats who will do and say anything to get their way. Its how they got ACA passed when Kennedy died and they were willing to do even more to keep Trump from assuming the presidency after he'd been elected.

I can't look at people like that as a "Loyal Opposition".
If I were Democrat, I would be horribly embarrassed how some of the Democratic leadership acted (recounts, blaming the loss on Russians, etc), or failed to act (not telling people to accept the results, at least), as people like Martin Sheen tried to push electors into a coup against the American people, all in the name of supposed Democracy (and the country isn't a democracy! Lose your ignorance!). They went 'way beyond anything the "birthers" (Trump included!) did, or anyone else for that matter, as far as not wanting to accept Obama as president. Shame on you all who acted that way.

Seems like it's the Democrats who will do and say anything to get their way. Its how they got ACA passed when Kennedy died and they were willing to do even more to keep Trump from assuming the presidency after he'd been elected.

I can't look at people like that as a "Loyal Opposition".

In the trauma of the post-election period, the Democrats went from stunned tragedy to clown-shoes, Keystone-Kop farce. After Hillary's gracious concession speech she turned around and embraced the Sore Loser party faction as she supported the recount effort (Trump gained votes, on the whole), and the beyond-bizarre attempt to back-door her way into the White House by suborning Electors to not vote for Trump (how do we think that would have played with the electorate, had it been successful?).

Final result? Trump lost one Elector's vote; Hillary lost five. (Cue Stephen Sondheim.)

1. Trump and supporters claimed, before the election, that the election was rigged and if HRC won, he and his supporters wouldn't accept it. I agree with you. The election was rigged. Either by voter suppression (my view) or by ???? your view. So what do we do about it?

2. The elector's were put in the place between the people and the election so that they would be there if the people lost their collective minds. The system has been perverted by the way the electors are currently chosen so they don't do their job no matter which party is chosen. Why not just get rid of them and let the people speak?

3. Ed Larson and others (you know who you are).....what happened to not calling people names, making fun of them, talking down to them? Does that not apply to you guys?

You all know I'm a democrat, upset that HRC lost and don't have a high opinion of DT. I'm hoping for the best and I will fight him and his policies (i know he hasn't been inaugurated yet but he has expressed many specific policies) at every place I can. I am hoping there will be some agreement along the way. I also hope that those who elected him are not too disappointed.

I voted for Hillary. And to a degree, I liked her.
But she lost, and, I see no possible way she will be president.
So I, like most leftists I know, have long since moved from Hillary, to thinking about what, exactly, Trump is doing and will do.

A lot of conservatives I know are still very fixated on Hillary.
dunno why, unless they just dont want to admit the ugly reality of how incompetent Trump is proving to be.

Anyway, now, Trump is our president elect. And it seems like, on both sides, sane people are considering how damage control can be effected.

Trump, for his part, cant even remember what he said yesterday.

My favorite Trump quote of the day- he was asked about his proposed $1 Trillion infrastructure plan, and -
"He acknowledged that he didn’t realize during the campaign that New Deal-style proposals to put people to work building infrastructure might conflict with his party’s small-government philosophy.

“That’s not a very Republican thing -- I didn’t even know that, frankly,” he said."

oh well, as Emily Latella used to say- Never Mind.
He just appointed an OMB head who believes that defaulting on the debt of the USA is a good thing.

Hillary, meanwhile, is walking her dog.
Trump has never had a dog, or any pet, for that matter...
Hillary, meanwhile, is walking her dog.
Trump has never had a dog, or any pet, for that matter...
That says more about Chump than the entire media industry has said in the last two years.
A gem actually.
3. Ed Larson and others (you know who you are).....what happened to not calling people names, making fun of them, talking down to them? Does that not apply to you guys?

Which is why I didn't do that. Note that only one name is mentioned, Hillary, and the only comment about her was that she was gracious in her concession speech.

Then I said that the collective Democratic party (with Hillary's acquiescence) acted, depending on your point of view, like spoiled brats and/or sore losers. In view of the post-election facts, do you disagree? And please note that I express no support for Trump, but the election happened and one side lost, the other won - all according to constitutional rules as has been happening now for over two hundred years.

The Keystone-Kop part wasn't limited to party outsiders either: no less a Democratic luminary than John Podesta encouraged the Electoral College revolt. The only one closer to Hillary than he is, is Bill, and possibly Huma Abedin, but she's now in the doghouse too with many others of Hillary's campaign staff. So I made no individual put-downs, just comments on what has proved to be ineptness on the Party's part for not respecting our electoral institutions and trying to back-door a win out of a loss.

Feel free to disagree.
65 million people voted for hillary.
I wonder how many of them were members of "the collective democratic party"?
I know I am not- I dont register as a democrat (in my state there is no party registration) I dont belong to a party, or give money to one.
I can vote across party lines on my ballot, and sometimes do.

I think a huge amount of americans are like me- not members of any party, but not fans of Trump.

We are not concerned with what a few "party" officials are doing or, former employees like Podesta.

Instead, we are watching our current President Elect.

Today, he tweeted how we need lots more nuclear bombs.
Then, he asked a reporter what he (Trump) said yesterday, because, heck, it was a long time ago.
Then, he made poor little Newt Gingrich go on the interweb and say "I made a big boo boo".
Thats right, Yogi, Boo Boo works for you.
And I think I see a Pick-a-Nick Basket...

Really, its embarassing.

I am watching the guy, and the party that won.
Not paying much attention to the losers.
As Barack Obama once wisely said "Elections have consequences"

I'm concerned that too many forces will try to make DJT fail. They don't seem to realize that we will sink with him.