Hiring A Pa. Compensation Etc.

Happy familia

Mar 11, 2014
The MoVe for us to BA is very quick and unexpected. We are checked into a hotel at present, however, would like to get settled into an apartment ASAP, there in lies the problem.

My Spanish is terrible at best, therefore, the need for a PA who can take care of everything so that I may concentrate on work is essential.

Do any of you have an Idea of the (above average )financial compensation should be afforded a PA?

Best way to go about finding one?

Can anyone recommend one?

I perfectly understand that I will be bypassing all local labor laws etc, but time prevents us from following these. We arrive on Sunday and need to be rocking on Monday morning.

So, there are two aspects, right?

1- You would like to settle in an apartment ASAP
2- You need a PA
Your best bet is to hire a relocation firm.... The company that handled our recent move is called LARM, they are bilingual and were able to get things done when pushed. Don't expect service to be the same as it is in the US, even if you pay more... I have no idea as to cost, my company handled all of that. I would suggest you call them and tell them what you need, and ask for a quote upfront

PM if you want any specifics or contact info for the people I dealt with.

Hiring a local PA is probably going to be more hassle than it's worth... Unless you can find an expat here looking for side work, but expect to pay the US equivalent for that, prob $15-$20 an hour. Bring lots of USD, it will make things easier...and cheaper.
On the way to the grind. A see a few messages in the inbox, I'll reply to them when I get home.

Looking for a killer. So,some who knows how to get things done.

Everything from getting my telephones working to locating me suitable office space, dealing with those responsible for internet installation etc.

Thanks for the replies so far.

I will answer each one as a soon as I get back

Thanks again
I know someone who would be ideal
totally bilingual and bicultural
has some properties here which are rented out
can deal with internet, telephone, cable tv services, etc
and is honest, reliable with great references and a person with great patience and resousrcefulness
although you must realize onething
if interested, send me a message , welcome and good luck and as told, come with CASH in big demoninations in good condition! if not you will be frustrated and paying according to the difference in exchange rate up to 50-60% more than the official rate!
Ceviche, you get what you pay for, and as far as PA's go that is the cheap end for an entry level PA in any major city in the US... I don't think the OP is looking for a local to run errands...
what a joke!! ha ha

Not that much of a joke. Hourly wage for a base level cleaning lady is 25 pesos. To find a very competent PA who can do all of the things mentioned above and for what is presumably a shorter term assignment = high salary. Language teachers are charging $100+ pesos an hour so $150 pesos an hour for a PA to handle all the details mentioned above - very possible.
I hope you get someone strong enough to manage your expectations. Sounds like this is happening in a hurry in you might not have had the opportunity to do lots of research.

You will save yourself a lot of stress and heartbreak if you rapidly adjust your expectation of the level of service you are going to get from internet providers, mobile coverage, estate agents etc.

You will find out quickly that you don't have the same routes available to escalate your problems. Customer care is shaped by market dynamics, not because the company care about you. The care part is a retention strategy. The bad news is that here the same market pressures do not exist. You have monopolies crashing against public sector inefficiency. ISP is a good example. You've got a large media organisation that spent half a decade nearly locked in court with the govt. Result is the govt wouldn't invest in anything which would benefit this particular monopoly and this monopoly would not invest in service improvements where they ran the risk of being chopped up into smaller companies. You've got a choice of not great vs pretty bad in terms of your ISP and bandwidth available.

This person's most important job will be managing you, if you haven't got a handle on how to get things done here. Especially if now and again you are not prepared to slip some money to the right person. Big learning curve looming I suspect!