Hola from La Cumbre


Aug 14, 2007
Hello All,
I am new to BA expat group and new to Argentina. I moved here with my wife and daughter (she's 1.5 years old) from NYC in April. We are living in La Cumbre which is in the Central Sierras in the province of Cordoba...I hope this doesn't invalidate our participation in this group...but as yet there are no expat groups for this part of the country....Currently we are in the midst of buying a hotel....a small Bed and Breakfast named Hostel de La Luna....we are between the Boleto and the Escritura. Neither of us have experience doing this kind of thing but are optmistic and probably a bit insane. Anyway, we hope to be able to share our experiences with this process and all other facets of Argentine life in the future....
Mucho Suerte! My name is Brian and I look forward to visiting Cordoba in the next couple of months. Will make La Cumbre a must see as I would enjoy meeting and checking out your Bed and Breakfast first hand. If you are interested in advertising to independent travelers, I volunteer with a group called South American Explorers (SAE) in Buenos Aires. Check out our website at: http://www.saexplorers.org/clubhouses/buenosaires/ If you are interested in advertising on our page and newsletters, please contact Barry at [email protected]. Cheers - Brian