How Can Macri Close The Gap With Scioli?


Sep 18, 2009
I'm no election expert, but it looks like Scioli didn't fare as badly well as many were expecting. Granted, he was the only candidate for the 'official' party and these were primaries, but it's a thermometer of sorts with 64% turnout rain or no rain.
Will he do a deal with UNA?
Will Massa want to do a deal?
One could say that without a deal between Cambiemos and UNA ( and others), Scioli will walk it in October.
Surely it's times like this when deals are done in 'smoke filled rooms'?
It depends on what Massa and Jose Manuel De La Sota's people do in the batollage in November. I'm guessing they go for Scioli since they are all Peronists. Looks like 4 more years of FPV.
Almost 10 points of difference...

Check up those numbers ;)

It seems people want to continue with the facts in Argentina.

No problem with that ;)
It depends on what Massa and Jose Manuel De La Sota's people do in the batollage in November. I'm guessing they go for Scioli since they are all Peronists. Looks like 4 more years of FPV.
It depends on what Massa and Jose Manuel De La Sota's people do in the batollage in November. I'm guessing they go for Scioli since they are all Peronists. Looks like 4 more years of FPV.
Sad, the people have spoken :)
Winner Formula Macri - Massa VP, Michetti steps down for health reasons.

However FPV won in almost all Provinces but CABA and and Mendoza??
Since FPV did not get 50% + 1 vote means that the majority actually does not want the same old same old. Before it was "54% voted!", now its "38% voted but that represents the whole country...". Make up your mind.
Winner Formula Macri - Massa VP, Michetti steps down for health reasons.

However FPV won in almost all Provinces but CABA and and Mendoza??

Sola replied you today: "que se jodan".

This is marvelous:

Read "amigos son los amigos".