How Do I Get My Dual Nationality?


Nov 20, 2013
Hey everyone! I'm an American girl born to an Argentine father and I am living here in has been about two years. I don't have the permanent residency and I don't want to apply for it, I want to chose the opcion of dual citizenship Arg-USA. I have all of the paperwork I am just not sure where to go to begin... I know that it is not in immigracions. Thanks !
It may help...No dual nationality USA-Argentina.

Doble nacionalidad

No existe convenio de doble nacionalidad entre la Argentina y los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la opción por la nacionalidad argentina no requiere en ningún caso la renuncia a la nacionalidad estadounidense o de otro país de la persona. La pérdida o cancelación de una nacionalidad extranjera como consecuencia de la adquisición de la nacionalidad argentina, depende del derecho extranjero.
Respecto de la política estadounidense sobre la doble nacionalidad, existe información disponible en el sitio de Internet del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos.
Doble nacionalidad has got nothing to do with what you're doing (yes you are trying to get dual citizenship but it doesn't matter, neither to Argentina nor the US). What you are trying to do is become Argentine "por opcion". Use that phrase and you'll get much more direct help.

Here are a couple of links:

If you're in Argentina:


(Go to the link that says "Donde se puede realizar" and it'll give you a bunch of locations.)

If you're overseas:

Doble nacionalidad has got nothing to do with what you're doing (yes you are trying to get dual citizenship but it doesn't matter, neither to Argentina nor the US). What you are trying to do is become Argentine "por opcion". Use that phrase and you'll get much more direct help.

Here are a couple of links:

If you're in Argentina:


(Go to the link that says "Donde se puede realizar" and it'll give you a bunch of locations.)

If you're overseas:


When applying for a foreign nationality can you loose your USA citizenship....??

A U.S. citizen may acquire foreign citizenship by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. citizen may not lose the citizenship of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S. citizenship. However, a person who acquires a foreign citizenship by applying for it may lose U.S. citizenship. In order to lose U.S. citizenship, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign citizenship voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. citizenship.
Hey everyone! I'm an American girl born to an Argentine father and I am living here in has been about two years. I don't have the permanent residency and I don't want to apply for it, I want to chose the opcion of dual citizenship Arg-USA. I have all of the paperwork I am just not sure where to go to begin... I know that it is not in immigracions. Thanks !

1) CHOOSE (two "o"s)
2) OPTION (the Spanish has a "c", but it's spelled "opción")

I'd say that your English is Argentine level already, so it shouldn't be a problem.

When applying for a foreign nationality can you loose your USA citizenship....??

A U.S. citizen may acquire foreign citizenship by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. citizen may not lose the citizenship of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S. citizenship. However, a person who acquires a foreign citizenship by applying for it may lose U.S. citizenship. In order to lose U.S. citizenship, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign citizenship voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. citizenship.

1) LOSE (It's spelled correctly for you in the first line.)

2) It's NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of your US Citizenship. It takes an assload of paperwork, paying taxes for the next ~5 to 10 years, and a sworn oath in front of someone living off the tax payer's dime. You have to have a hell of a lawyer and/or a lot of patience to get rid of your US Citizenship.
It is done at RENAPER but they ask for your permanent DNI. If you want to go straigh you have to go to a Federal Court.

There is no need of a treaty about double nationality nowadays. It used to be like that before WWII. Regards
Instead of giving grand explanations about the US citizenship, since it has been covered a million times before on this forum, NO YOU DON'T LOSE YOUR US CITIZENSHIP IF YOU GET ARGENTINE CITIZENSHIP.


It may be different in SPECIAL cases but if you're a terrorist or some other sort of special case then don't ask for advice on a forum and go hire a lawyer.