How Has South America Changed You?

It opened my eyes on poverty and enhanced the distance I feel with the people from my own country, who are very centered on their appearance, expensive clothes and wealth.
In many ways, it looks like a snapshot of what my country is bound to become, in other aspects, it looks like it could still go worse in SA given what we have in Italy as far as corruption and laxity go. Overall, I don't feel I come from a 'superior' country and I am comfortable enough where I am.
Poverty and corruption ? Hardly. These happen in every country. Argentina affects me in many good ways even though I complain about it all the time. It has been a nice experience, I do not have a single thread of regret. And there are many good looking AR women, that helps too.
Sometimes I actually leave the bathroom without washing my hands.... ( hanging my head in shame)
Argentina makes me appreciate that in my country, with an education and hard work I was able to achieve my career goals. At the same time, it makes me appreciate family values and the ability to de-stress - something I was not able to do before I moved here.
One of the main things I learn from my Argentine friends is how good a life you can have without the imaginary possibility of becoming rich. In the USA, its all about consumer goods, leased luxury cars, living beyond your means on credit, fancy brand names, and superficiality.
A lot of artists I know in the USA actually believe the con that they will join the 1%.

In Buenos Aires, I know a bunch of artists, musicians, architects, fashion designers, writers, and other creative people who are happy, making great work, and long ago resigned themselves to the fact they will never own a rolex or a new Audi, and just plain dont care.
Interesting I think we need to down the line look at our unique experiences in South America but we can save that for later.
Sometimes I actually leave the bathroom without washing my hands.... ( hanging my head in shame)
Not sure what you meant, but it's always good to wash your hands after using bathroom :)
I see people doing that all the time and it is NOT cool. I always washed my hands but lately I found that if I'm going to do the dishes or going out to do gardening I don't wash my hands. Sometimes I even leave the bathroom and then go back in again to cleanse myself.

Disgusting things aside, living here have allowed me to become more open and accepting. And it has made me face presumptions and preconceptions that I have had simply because I had a sheltered and homogenous upbringing. (All white, middle class Swedish area.)

Not sure what you meant, but it's always good to wash your hands after using bathroom :)
One of the main things I learn from my Argentine friends is how good a life you can have without the imaginary possibility of becoming rich.

But South America has enriched me in so many ways and I have profited greatly here and there are many many opportunities to get rich here. Is it possible you just did not understand what was possible around you?