How many of you want to leave Bs As?

I think you're referring to 'almgia' and I can't agree more.
I'm flying back to BA today from UK and can't wait to get back.
My views of living in my home country again have changed considerably following this visit.
Mind you, three weeks without my lovely Argentine wife may have a bearing on this :)
I was going to leave in January/February, but I've discovered that here is one of the best places in South America to learn sailing and navigation. So as I've started my skipper courses, and look forward to become a yacht captain, it will take me about a year to complete the course. This is the only reason why I'm still here.

I loved BsAs the first months, then I understood that for me it's unacceptably dangerous (I can't stand walking on the streets knowing that I can be robbed at any place at any moment), and the situation with the apartment rent makes me sick, I have no options but paying 600 dollars for the 25-square-meters rabbit hole, I'm feeling like being continuously robbed by the landlords and agencies, and it all has one and only reason - I'm not local and I cannot guarantee that I'd be paying the rent (because of a stupid law everybody is suspecting me being an asshole, what a wonderful feeling it arouses), and everybody else pays much less.. And I don't like the local climate. Can't wait the day when I will be able to move to the warm coasts.

Actually, I'm not going to decide to stay at any place anymore. The solution for me is living aboard, this will be a little close to the real freedom... Here I understood that while living in a big city I feel kind of imprisoned..
I can't wait to leave and I've only been here 2 months..I thought it would be a dream vacation know go where the girls are extremely pretty , best beef in the world,good wine , everything is cheap..blah blah blah.. Can't wait to get back to the Canadian winter where people are polite, there isn't dog shit and garbage everywhere, things are cheaper, the girls actually smile at you ..oh and yeah I can grill just as good a steak on my BBQ which has propane and doesn't take 2 hours to eat dinner...and at a regular time of 6 pm or so. Not digging this 10 pm dinner time. Not healthy . It hasn't all been negative though I did learn some Spanish and I did meet a few nice people,although I think the plane ride back will be the highlight of the entire trip.
Roddossi said:
I can grill just as good a steak on my BBQ which has propane and doesn't take 2 hours to eat dinner...and at a regular time of 6 pm or so. Not digging this 10 pm dinner time. Not healthy .

Umm pretty sure many countries eat dinner late. Not unhealthy. Sme countries just have different schedules. Just because it's how people do things in the US or UK doesn't mean it's the worldwide standard for regular/normal
I actually didn't like BA when I first arrived, but got used to things and really started to enjoy myself after being able to speak Castellano, make some friends and learn my way around. I was originally supposed to leave after 9 months and April 2012 will be the 2 year mark. In August, I specifically got CELTA certified to be able to teach English and have a way to earn some pesos so as not to completely drain my savings.

However, with the ridiculous inflation, withdrawal of subsidies (so sudden), growing crime and overall problems that are growing exponentially, I am not sure how long I will make it here.

Truly, I would like to stay until December, simply to continue studying the language, teaching and deepening my experience (despite all the negative comments in this thread - many of which I am in total agreement!). But, every week it becomes more and more difficult.
Lee said:
They were not saying that because it is done that way in the US or the UK it is better or standard. There are plenty of places in the US that eat very late (ever lived in LA for example).

You should have used NYC as your example, because LA is an early to bed, early to rise town. Only parts of Hollywood, with people "in the 'industry'" getting out of the office at 9pm+ and/or editing into the night and thus ordering in sees people "eating late". Mainly LA is a dinner at 6pm-7pm town. And if you live near the water, you are up before 7am a lot!

NYC is a town where people will meet for a bite at 9pm+ because it's on the East Coast and they don't have to race into the office in the morning. They arrive late and stay late.

But yes, some places eat late. Plus, the person writing this is CANADIAN!!! So what does the US or UK matter anyway?

PS- Lived in LA 8 years. I know how that town rolls.
Napoleon said:
NYC is a town where people will meet for a bite at 9pm+ because it's on the East Coast and they don't have to race into the office in the morning. They arrive late and stay late.

Oh my little dictator, I assure you that people in NY get to the office early. Anytime after 8:30 will get you a raised eyebrow. Norm is btwn 7:30 and 8 - earlier if you are doing anything with the markets. You get there early and you stay late. I used to work from 7 until 7 pretty much every day + a weekend day (and of course you are eating lunch at your desk)

And yes, we NYers do frequently go to dinner at 9/9:30. That's a big diff from here though. NYC - meet for dinner at 9:30 - done by 11. BsAs - meet for dinner at 10 (if you can convince your porteño friends to go out that early), get your menus by 10:30, food arrives by 11, finish by 12:30, drink your coffee, don't leave the restaurant until 1 a.m.