How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

Paying a bit over $600 USD now for family of 4 with Swiss Medical. Even if other prices go down and stabilize, I don’t think health insurance will go back to what it was (without regulations). They won’t care about losing customers; they’ll keep pushing the rates until they reach the point where they retain the same profits with the fewest amount of patients to take care of.
Last 4 months, my obra social


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Paying a bit over $600 USD now for family of 4 with Swiss Medical. Even if other prices go down and stabilize, I don’t think health insurance will go back to what it was (without regulations). They won’t care about losing customers; they’ll keep pushing the rates until they reach the point where they retain the same profits with the fewest amount of patients to take care of.
Thats how it should be. The private healthcare is absolutely fantastic here and terribly underpriced. Not sustainable.
Thats how it should be. The private healthcare is absolutely fantastic here and terribly underpriced. Not sustainable.
It is very insensitive to phrase it like this. Very usa stand, if I may say. Underpriced according to what? Salaries of medical workers? To the countries with gdp 3x and higher? At the same time barely anything goes to public healthcare. I have no data on the profits of private health insurance companies, but I would guess they make profit most of the time. Health of the citizens should be government business and priority number one. Profits of private companies should be much lower on the list...
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people):


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