How not to stand out like a tourist

Although I find this very funny, I can't help but to think who gives a bleep of what people think and be who you are. Be proud of who you are and where you are from. If we all tried to blend in, this world would be very boring! Don't be a rude a-hole, but do not choose to live in the world of "gray", living in a world full of color only makes things more interesting.
My Argentine partner and I chowed down on gigantic milanesa sandwiches (completo, no less) in the emergency waiting room at a public hospital. We might as well have been fornicating right there on the floor. But, really, it was his idea! He was hungry and we'd been waiting for hours...
Freaking out when you see hooker on the street

Taking photos of locals like as if you were in a zoo

Jaywalking (applies to Brits anywhere, mainland Europe included)