How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

pashi said:
So, i assume if you get in the bank with 1 dollar and you get 4.6 for each dollar the bank scam you right??? What are you saying men? im just offering 5 pesos for each dollar, much people get scammed, may be you are lucky guy, and you never been scammed, but there a lot of cuevas who give fake pesos. And nowadays is not easy to find an indicated place, and with good people that wouldn't scam you. And don't forget the AFIP get catched and closed too many cuevas last month. As i readed i see new people here, who need's pesos and couldn't find some place to change it. So im offering, to that persons. im just a possibility for people who can't find a cueva or not trust in that places.

Yes you are getting Scammed by the bank, but it is not the banks choice it is at the direction of the Argentine government.
How many times have you got fake pesos from a Cueva, how many reports of that happening do we have on here?
I could find a new Cueva in 10 minutes if I needed to, don't make it out harder to be then it is.
No problem with offering 5.00 pesos per Dollar, just be honest that it is a crap rate, and a one eyed blind Monkey could find a better one;)

Ok lets have a reverse auction then, you(a first time poster on a internet forum(much more dangerous than a Cueva with a physical address))made a offer of 5.00, and I a seasoned poster have upped that to 5.50 Pesos per Dollar, your move now:)
Greg2231 said:
Yes you are getting Scammed by the bank, but it is not the banks choice it is at the direction of the Argentine government.
How many times have you got fake pesos from a Cueva, how many reports of that happening do we have on here?
I could find a new Cueva in 10 minutes if I needed to, don't make it out harder to be then it is.
No problem with offering 5.00 pesos per Dollar, just be honest that it is a crap rate, and a one eyed blind Monkey could find a better one;)

Ok lets have a reverse auction then, you(a first time poster on a internet forum(much more dangerous than a Cueva with a physical address))made a offer of 5.00, and I a seasoned poster have upped that to 5.50 Pesos per Dollar, your move now:)

So, you say the government scam the citizen using the banks... i think you should take a dictionary and look for the definition of scam dude ;).

And of course that is hardest nowadays find a cueva... tell me where you walk to find a lot of cuevas very fast as you said.

If you just get focus, and read again my post, will note that i propose enter to a bank with the client, and make the withdrawal there.
tell me which is the rate indicated for you?? 6 pesos? I don't think so... i think between 5 and 5,5 is a good rate for not entering in a cave.
Too much competition in Capital, if you go out into the interior people are paying up to 6.80.

Give it up pashi .... its a crap offer and you won´t find any takers here :)
pashi said:
6.8?? tell me where you get that rate? which city?
well I have never got 6.8 though I do know of someone who has, though I did just recently get 6.5

Like I said I upped your offer to 5.5, either do better than that or go back to the Cueva you came from:)

pashi said:
So, you say the government scam the citizen using the banks... i think you should take a dictionary and look for the definition of scam dude .
Yes the government has imposed restrictions on the free trade of the Peso by the banks, thus requiring anyone who chooses, through ignorance or necessity to do business there to take an artificially low rate for there Dollars. Though screwing tourists on the exchange of there Dollars is not the main intent of said policies, rather it is screwing exporters by paying them the artificially low "Official" rate for the Dollars they earn from there exports, the tourists are just the Gravy.
you can be agree or not with the gobernment and with the new exchange rate policy, in this case obviously not agree if your look you own pocket. But you said

Greg2231 said:
Yes the government has imposed restrictions on the free trade of the Peso

Ok dude, let me tell you that in econmy that its called dirty float.... and has nothing to do with scamming people....

Greg2231 said:
go back to the Cueva you came from

Well really i think you could back to your country if you really dislike with the government and their policies, or could find some place that fits better for your pocket ;)
pashi said:
tell me which is the rate indicated for you?? 6 pesos? I don't think so... i think between 5 and 5,5 is a good rate for not entering in a cave.

I think what Pashi is trying to tell us is that he is an honest thief.

Or that at least being stabbed in the front is better than being stabbed in the back.
sleslie23 said:
I think what Pashi is trying to tell us is that he is an honest thief.

Or that at least being stabbed in the front is better than being stabbed in the back.

Well i think i have found somebody who dinner a clown.:D
pashi said:
Ok dude, let me tell you that in econmy that its called dirty float.... and has nothing to do with scamming people....
Maybe you should ask the people that are getting screwed what they think of it, but it seems that you only concern is that you also get a chance to screw people on exchange rates just at a rate that is 6.5% over the artificial government rate versus the Cueva's that are paying 30% and more over those rates(though as pointed out above at least it is face to face)

pashi said:
Well really i think you could back to your country if you really dislike with the government and their policies, or could find some place that fits better for your pocket ;)
Now you assuming, Argentina very well may be my country, and by the way my pocket has no pains whatever country I choose to lay my head in:)

Oh and by the way you keep ignoring my reverse auction challenge, and offer to exchange Dollars at 5.50, are you going to up your offer of 5.00?