How To Make Empanada's?

Are you kidding? I love apostrophes in my empanadas - carne cortada a cuchillo con huevo duro y apóstrofe, mmmm...

Be careful with Ajoknob however, he is very particular about his apostrophes. I heard he once held a guy down and forced him listen to his theory about why 'roid rounders is superior to all other sports - three hours it took - just because he accidentally dropped one where it didn't belong - complete psycho.

It's deplorable, but perhaps unsurprising, that a handful of high-profile cases would seek an unfair advantage in what is the world's most athletically complex and intellectually challenging team sport. A sport, it's worth adding, where "kicking the ball" is rightfully called an error, and where players can't feign injury to deceive the officials.
One of the few things that's nac y pop, and still really good, with or without an apostrophe.
I think there is a puerta cerrada that does a culture and dinner thing where you drink mate and make empanadas and then you eat then as one of the courses for dinner. Maybe someone else remembers the name.

They aren't that hard to make. a two-day course would probably be a bit of an over-kill. I would try to get one of these lovely people giving you advice to come over and make them and eat them with you.
I took a private lesson from an Argentine lady who my landlord knew. It's pretty easy if you buy the tapitas pre-made. I know that is lazy but then you only need to make the filling (which does NOT require lard if you aren't trying to do a typical salteña) and then you need someone to show you how to fill and close them and the rest is suuuupper easy.
Or watch the recent episode of Master Chef Argentina - where the participants are asked to prepare empanadas after choosing their filling from a variety of ingredients and - wouldn't ya know it - they all made empanadas de carne. Find out about Elba y el gran problema del carozo and how Majo falló con la cocción de la masa. I can't wait for the pizza episode.