How To Obtain Dollars In Brazil

I'm headed to Rio tomorrow and I'm curious if you found any options for obtaining dollars in Rio. I spoke with Citibank and (surprisingly) even though I have debit and credit accounts with them, they said I'm unable to access US Dollars from one of the branches. ATM's do exist that offer dollars; however, they have no idea of knowing which ATM's those are.

I guess I can always pull reis out and exchange them for dollars...but math is not my strong suit (like...I still use my fingers to count). Does this make any sense? I assume you get hit with fees when 1) reis are pulled from an ATM and 2) when the reis are transferred back into dollars (in Braisl) or back into pesos (in Argentina).


What she said ^^ I leave in a month but was already looking into it. Did either of you find a way to get dollars? Or just get reais out of an ATM and exchange (was it financially viable?).

I don't have a real bank in the US, I just have all my money in a checking account with Fidelity so there wouldn't be any locations in Rio for me to ask...
No ATm's that dispense dollars. You would have to change reals at a Banco di Brasil branch. If they have them.
I live in brazil for 30 years and never heard of an ATM who dispenses dollars here.

Have you been under a rock?,governo-autoriza-saque-de-dolar-em-caixa-eletronico-especial,120882e

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Have you been under a rock?


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It doesn't sound like a traditional ATM but just an automatic exchange point? From the three articles it says you have to introduce reais to exchange for dollars, not the same as putting in my American debit card and extracting dollars?

No equipamento, o brasileiro que viajar ao exterior pode, por exemplo, introduzir reais e trocá-los por dólares ou euros. - See more at: http://www.bahiamerc...13845#&panel1-5

So sounds like I'll just bet on extracting reais and exchanging them somewhere for dollars. At least my bank doesn't charge ATM fees and refunds me any fees incurred by any other banks, so that's one cost removed. If anyone found any way to extract dollars with a bank teller (cash advance) in any way lemme know! But I won't get my hopes up haha