How to run a survey?

From 0 to 10 ,,,, how many jabs did you take and why?
e.g. ,, if 2 why not 9?

How did you make that decision?
  • Was afraid to lose job
  • Authorities told me so
  • Did opposite what authorities told me
  • My body my right
  • Religion
  • I don't take pills ,, till am on operating table
  • Jab is experimental
  • I didn't make decisions ,, just happened
  • I believe in science
  • I dislike anti vaxxers
  • ??
In hindsight was your decision correct?
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I had covid. Before the vaccine was available. I didn't go to the hospital, but I was extremely sick. I had a fever of 42, slept 18 hours a day and wasn't able to eat anything, all for 7 days. I had lesser symptoms for another 5 days.

When the vaccine was available, I took all the shots as they were made available by the government. Five altogether. I took them because after going through the worst sickness of my life, I decided that the risk/reward favored the vaccine. I don't think there was any devious intention on the part of the vaccine makers (except maybe to make huge profits, which isn't devious, we all know they counted on that, but I wouldn't exactly call them humanitarian organizations).
Sorry to hear ,, you really had it rough.

How long did it take to recover to normal?

If I got that sick ,, obviously I'd have had no other option. No decisions to make.
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The first question must be modified:

If you did not get sick ,,, from 0 to 10 ,, how many jabs did you take and why?
I had covid. Before the vaccine was available. I didn't go to the hospital, but I was extremely sick. I had a fever of 42, slept 18 hours a day and wasn't able to eat anything, all for 7 days. I had lesser symptoms for another 5 days.

When the vaccine was available, I took all the shots as they were made available by the government. Five altogether. I took them because after going through the worst sickness of my life, I decided that the risk/reward favored the vaccine. I don't think there was any devious intention on the part of the vaccine makers (except maybe to make huge profits, which isn't devious, we all know they counted on that, but I wouldn't exactly call them humanitarian organizations).
Why did you stop after 5?
  • In my judgment 10 are ,, over the top
  • My body recovered to normal
  • 10 jabs unavailable
  • Not recommended
  • ??
(except maybe to make huge profits, which isn't devious, we all know they counted on that, but I wouldn't exactly call them humanitarian organizations).
Would you go a step further and say unethical?

Would RFK be able to do anything?
Or zero chance?
No body can.
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For obvious reasons none of the nonsurvivors will be able to participate
This is a point well worth making: survivorship bias is a real thing. For some background, see We're all still here to tell the story.

For us, it was clear from the beginning that COVID was something to be taken seriously, especially after the secondary wave of infections radiating out from Innsbruck in Austria, and the horror stories from Guayaquil in Ecuador and Manaus in Brazil. Then in August 2020, the father of a friend of Mrs. Pintor got sick and died, this is a middle-aged, very fit guy who lived at altitude in the Jujuy area for all of his life. Lungs the size of gas tanks, I would expect. He died on a ventilator. Yuck. The rest of his family got sick but survived.

So when the first vaccines became available at the start of 2021, we got ours, to date, 2 x AstraZeneca, 1 x Moderna, 1 x Pfizer. As someone in the thread observed, probably nobody here has escaped COVID completely, and we certainly got it after the vaccines, but at a point where it was more like a cold.

For vaccine doubters here, it would appear that viruses evolve to be more infectious, which requires their hosts to live long enough to pass on the virus to other hosts. More infectious = less lethal. There's a reason we haven't had global pandemics of Ebola, for example, the virus kills its hosts too quickly to be passed on effectively.

We need another dose I guess, until now I've been happy living out in the campo interacting with as few people as possible. But things move on, viruses mutate, and it would be good to get a booster. I would like to get the Argentinian Arvax vaccine, which is protein based, and would stimulate my immune system in a different way to the previous doses.