How to run a survey?

I am at either 4 or 5, last one 2 months ago. Most I had no side effects, once I felt punky the next day. Have no qualms about taking more, no biggie. Have never had covid. Knew at least 8 people pretty well who died of it, know people who have gotten it recently and been very sick, others who are barely sick at all.
I think I may take it more seriously because during covid I did a series of portraits of over 150 musicians who died of covid worldwide…
The government stopped sending me messages to come get vaccinated.
Oh come on, Sr. @SinPulgas both you and me are in high risk categories, if it's been 3 months since your last confession, sorry, vaccination, you can get a booster. If CABA doesn't want to give it to you, just cross over the General Rodriguez Paz borderline to the province (easy to do in the north of Buenos Aires) and you will have no problems.
I am at either 4 or 5, last one 2 months ago. Most I had no side effects, once I felt punky the next day. Have no qualms about taking more, no biggie. Have never had covid. Knew at least 8 people pretty well who died of it, know people who have gotten it recently and been very sick, others who are barely sick at all.
I think I may take it more seriously because during covid I did a series of portraits of over 150 musicians who died of covid worldwide…
The first AZ vaccine hit hard. The second no, The first Moderna vaccination was like being clubbed over the head. The watered-down Pfizer vaccination left no impression.
Lost two family members to COVID in two different countries. I was probably not the target market for the vaccine but got it nonetheless, believing that others would do their part for herd immunity. Got three jabs in total and had zero side effects from COVID. Got sick with COVID like 9 months after the last jab then again 3 months later. Was very mild and mainly impacted my stomach. Should probably go and get a booster but I did get a flu shot in May which I think helped.
Lost two family members to COVID in two different countries. I was probably not the target market for the vaccine but got it nonetheless, believing that others would do their part for herd immunity. Got three jabs in total and had zero side effects from COVID. Got sick with COVID like 9 months after the last jab then again 3 months later. Was very mild and mainly impacted my stomach. Should probably go and get a booster but I did get a flu shot in May which I think helped.
You did not take the jab and never got sick and waited till the tragic loss 2 family members. How long was the wait? If you didn't lose family members would you have opted out?

But once you lost your family members you took the jab and never got sick till 9 months later.
You did not take the jab and never got sick and waited till the tragic loss 2 family members. How long was the wait? If you didn't lose family members would you have opted out?

But once you lost your family members you took the jab and never got sick till 9 months later.
Sorry, my message was not clear.

While my wife and I were waiting for the vaccines to come out, we lost two family members. We were always wanting to get them just so we could carry on with our lives. Having seen those two loved ones pass (one to complications from pneumonia caused by COVID while in hospital, and the other from a heart attack while in hospital with COVID) it just reinforced the idea to get the jabs. We are relatively young so we were thinking that we needed to let others who needed it go first, but after our experience we both just went and got it at the soonest opportunity.

These were not old unhealthy people either. One was a very healthy sporty person and the other was in good health prior to getting COVID.

Yes, both my wife and I got sick nine months after we got our last jab. We were on holiday in another country and picked it up from a bus trip. Then we got it when we were back in our home at the time from someone in my office. Both times it went to my stomach and messed with my prostate as well.
as an adult, and a member of my community, I feel a responsibility to be immunized for common, dangerous diseases. Its pretty simple- even if I never get Polio, or Chickenpox, or Covid, me being immunized helps the greater community of human beings I live among- I may have a contagious but non-symptomatic variant, and its the responsible thing to do to be immunized.
I have "taken the jab" for a whole bunch of things in my 69 years, and dont regret a single one.
as an adult, and a member of my community, I feel a responsibility to be immunized for common, dangerous diseases. Its pretty simple- even if I never get Polio, or Chickenpox, or Covid, me being immunized helps the greater community of human beings I live among- I may have a contagious but non-symptomatic variant, and its the responsible thing to do to be immunized.
I have "taken the jab" for a whole bunch of things in my 69 years, and dont regret a single one.
Agreed. The least I can do as part of society is to be responsible, especially for those who have no immunity or can't take the vaccine.
as an adult, and a member of my community, I feel a responsibility to be immunized for common, dangerous diseases. Its pretty simple- even if I never get Polio, or Chickenpox, or Covid, me being immunized helps the greater community of human beings I live among- I may have a contagious but non-symptomatic variant, and its the responsible thing to do to be immunized.
I have "taken the jab" for a whole bunch of things in my 69 years, and dont regret a single one.

People who had the jab ,, still got infected by others.
People who had the jab ,, still infected others.

Jab did not prevent getting infected or infecting others.

Human instinct by nature want to do good.
While the above is true ,, Getting jabbed was the responsible thing ,, but in the end served only the individual ,, didn't benefit the community.
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