How To Tell A Spaniard In Argentina


Dec 17, 2012
How to tell a Spaniard from an Argentine in Argentina

(1) Siempre intentamos dar dos besos

Spaniards always give 2 kisses, while Argentines give one kiss to people they are familiar with, and more kisses to strangers.

(2) Spaniards are confused by many Argentine nouns, " a caballo" ( 2 more eggs ?), "frutillas", "bifes de chorizo"( not a sausage), "subtes", "buzo" (coat).

(3) Meter baza se convierte en algo tan difícil como si el idioma fuese otro

It's hard for Spaniards to participate in a conversation with Argentines. Argentines talk way faster.

(4)Spaniards would ask for a mate in a bar.

Mate only served in casa or brought to outside.

(5)Contestamos que somos de España cuando nos preguntan de dónde somos.

Spaniards always say that they are from Spain when asked where they are from. But Argentines really want to know which part of Spain, because Argies have family members from every part of Spain.
How to tell a Spaniard from an Argentine in Argentina

(1) Siempre intentamos dar dos besos

Spaniards always give 2 kisses, while Argentines give one kiss to people they are familiar with, and more kisses to strangers.

Careful in the Providences of Argentina the women get 2 kisses one each cheek even if they are strangers or a first time meeting. God I used to hate the kissing line nothing having to kiss 20 women on both cheeks just because you walked into a place. :huh:
Careful in the Providences of Argentina the women get 2 kisses one each cheek even if they are strangers or a first time meeting. God I used to hate the kissing line nothing having to kiss 20 women on both cheeks just because you walked into a place. :huh:
I would love to kiss 20 women 40 times, that's a pleasure :) not a burden.
I would love to kiss 20 women 40 times, that's a pleasure :) not a burden.

Unless you work in an office; Arrive at 8:45 ready to get some work done. Wait 45 minutes for the Argentines to Arrive. Spend 45 minutes kissing everyone hello. Take coffee break. Do something that looks like work for 30 minutes. Break for lunch.
I can tell a Spaniards the moment he opens his mouth because it is like reading subtitles. All the S are there, the Z sounds like a TH...
The moment I met a girl from Madrid I felt like a polyglot.

...oh, and they always think about coger ;)
I can tell a Spaniards the moment he opens his mouth because it is like reading subtitles. All the S are there, the Z sounds like a TH...
The moment I met a girl from Madrid I felt like a polyglot.

...oh, and they always think about coger ;)

In Argentina the Spaniards find themselves having inappropriate relationships with buses, taxis, all sorts of transport ;)
And the Spaniards that I have met claim they are all from "royal families" but I don't think they actually have a dime to their name :(

A lot of talk, but definitely no substance.....
If they have the following surnames :-