How Will Expats Be Affected When Ebola Arrives In Argentina?

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Flatlanders are playing in SF tomorrow at

It may be streamed live.

I saw. It sucks because I'll be in SF on Wed. If I knew they were playing, I would have gone this weekend. I also missed them when they played here in Austin.
I saw. It sucks because I'll be in SF on Wed. If I knew they were playing, I would have gone this weekend. I also missed them when they played here in Austin.

They play every year at Hardly Strictly, first weekend in October, so plan ahead for next year's event.
While I appreciate the putting perspective of all this you might consider that ebola can most probably be passed by mosquito bite too. (a mosquito in the process of biting injects you, and if it bit an ebola infected person first ...) Yes it is a long shot, but not impossible.

That's the kind of logic I used to entertain about AIDS when I was 12 years old.

Only those who disdain their fellow citizens, and hide away from them in the Gulch, are truly living in fear.

While those who love their fellow "citizens" indiscriminately immerse themselves in the biggest crowds possible making a living in calle florida, riding the colectivo for odour appreciation, and spending their free time "mingling" in Constitucion Station, then they go back to an expensive apartment in a high density residential area that would be considered ghetto just about anywhere else and sleep by the heat of the other 120 fellow citizens who co-inhabit the same building.
Anyways, so it's true, as much as you might like dogs you're vicious in character, you attack gentle people just for their choice of living in the exurbs and not calling it a summer house but a permanent residence with some infrastructure.
Not everybody, but a large section of the World population "gulches" in one way or another, that's besides the point. You're literally picking on Steve on every thread!
Let's keep in topic please, this thread is strictly about the interconnected topics of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, ISIS, and 20th century Italian Mountain enthusiast Julius Evola.
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