What is the farm sector going to do? Let their produce rot?
No matter what happens in rhe future regarding export taxes, the agricultural sector will continue to poison every living creature that reduces crop production so they have a greater yield of contiminated fruits, vegetables, legumes they can sell as either "food" for livestock and/or humans and their pets.
Until and unless I have no option, only the livestock (beef, pork and chicken, and butter) producers of the "farm sector" will get a single peso from me. I don't find consuming the meat, eggs, and butter produced from grain fed animals as desireable as those who are grasss fed, but l'll take it every day over eating anything produced by the agriculture sector, especially anything made from soy, which is not only fed to livestock, but converted to "cooking oil" and added to many higly processed foods (including flour to make bread) that are consumed by hundreds of millions worldwide every day.
PS: When we were in our eatly teens, my brother and I made enough to go bowling by pulling (by hand) young corn stalks growing in rhe soybean fields on the family farm near Charleston, Illinois. That job does not exist today, thanks to herbacides
PS2: Full disclosure: I don't consume "organic" fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds (or "seed" oil), either. That's because of the natutal toxins) they contain. I do consume coffee and a little olive every day and I am fully aware that both of them, even if they are claimed to be "organic" contain a number of natural toxins. I am not sure about olive oil, but I recently watched a video that asserted that coffee contains 150 separate toxins.