Hydrogen Peroxide?


Jan 4, 2012
I found black mold spots behind our bed on the wall (outside wall, top floor) and was looking up how to clean black mold... for walls they say to use Hydrogen Peroxide. I went to the pharmacy and he said they don't have that in Argentina; they have some other antiseptic thing but it doesn't come as liquid in a brown bottle. He said that instead they use "agua oxigenada" but it didn't look like the same thing to me.... any help here?
I found black mold spots behind our bed on the wall (outside wall, top floor) and was looking up how to clean black mold... for walls they say to use Hydrogen Peroxide. I went to the pharmacy and he said they don't have that in Argentina; they have some other antiseptic thing but it doesn't come as liquid in a brown bottle. He said that instead they use "agua oxigenada" but it didn't look like the same thing to me.... any help here?


".... también conocido como agua oxigenada ..."

Too slow Dr. Leslie - put the pipe away.
Agua oxigenada or peróxido de hidrógeno cames in different concentrations of oxygen.
I looked and looked for hydrogen peroxide, and I finally found it, although it's not pure hydrogen peroxide. It's used in various "pre-wash" products, and it's combined with surfactants (tensioactivos). I used it successfully for some small mold problems, but when I had a bigger problem, I had to resort to bleach, which did the job much better, at the cost of breathing in the toxic fumes.

If you do use bleach, check the date on the bottle. Bleach only lasts about 6 months, even in unopened bottles, and I've found many expired bottles on the shelves in the stores around here.

A couple products that contain hydrogen peroxide (peróxido de hydrógeno):
  • Trenet Oxi
  • Mr. Musculo Prelavado OxyPower

(I see that there are 4 new answers as I'm writing this, so maybe now I'm going to find out where to get the pure stuff.)
Very good, very good, all documented. You are a gentleman and a scholar sir.