I Don't Say Anything About Your Blue Leopard Print Stretch Pants


Nov 19, 2010
...or the plastic flowers in your hair, so what gives?

I keep my strappy, heeled, booty, and snooty footwear at work. For my commute, I wear a pair of Sketchers or my laid-back Roxy flip flops. Who cares if I am wearing trousers or a skirt? To me it is a no brainer, especially on these precarious sidewalks.

You'd think I was farting audibly or had a dead dog around my shoulders, though, by the looks I get about my obvious fashion faux pas. I don't think twice about it, but apparently it's a no no in this fashion-forward (?) city.
Gosh, I was just thinking this the other day!! I went to put my heels on and then I double thought it and put on some flats instead. Why is it that the girls here don't do this? I mean, no offense, but New York (in my opinion) is more fashion forward than BsAs and you can't find a woman there in the wintertime on the subway without her heals in a bag and uggs on her feet.
Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women
Women here (and men for the fact) LOVE to stare at people. To me and the culture I was brought up in, it's rude. I asked my Argentine students about this and they say a few things: They are studying you to figure out where you are from, they are jealous of something you are wearing, they think you are dressed absolutely hideous.

Yesterday I walked into a restaurant with one of my students. The table by the door literally stopped talking and all three of them were staring at me. So obvious so, that I said in Spanish "HELLO...DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?" They quickly looked away. It gets so old sometimes. Get a life--read a book on the bus and stop staring at me because I don't have the flowery leggings with military style boots and fake flowers in my hair. thanks for allowing me to vent. HAVE A GOOD DAY
I think that I read that the last American Idol show of the season is tonight, 25 May. If I'm right, what time is it on on Cablevison?
Argentinian women are sooooo HOT! Just bomb shells going off all over the place. I love looking at them and most of them like being looked at. So many of them are just works of art and marvelous to behold. Everytime I get home sick I just go walk down the street a bit check out some of the hot women and I feel 100% better.
chilady said:
Women here (and men for the fact) LOVE to stare at people. To me and the culture I was brought up in, it's rude. I asked my Argentine students about this and they say a few things: They are studying you to figure out where you are from, they are jealous of something you are wearing, they think you are dressed absolutely hideous.

Yesterday I walked into a restaurant with one of my students. The table by the door literally stopped talking and all three of them were staring at me. So obvious so, that I said in Spanish "HELLO...DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?" They quickly looked away. It gets so old sometimes. Get a life--read a book on the bus and stop staring at me because I don't have the flowery leggings with military style boots and fake flowers in my hair. thanks for allowing me to vent. HAVE A GOOD DAY

I think I am under the 'hideously dressed' catagory! Apparently!

Yesterday, this girl on the bus (who was extremely dressed down, so idk WHAT the issue was with my Sketchers) kept staring at me. First, my shoes. Then my face. Then my shoes again. Finally, I looked at her square in the face and said, 'What??!' She turned away, but kept sneaking looks and would turn again when I would stare back.
Argentine men stare at other men, and demand long, enduring eye contact, as if they are looking for something they lost. I've dubbed it the 'x-ray vision stare.' I wondered if it was gay, but not necessarily. I grew up in NYC, and if you eyeball someone in that way you're likely get "what the fook are you looking at?" I've been perfecting a return glance that conveys the same sentiment, it usually works.
Unfortunately I don't get woman looking at me that way very often.

Once I saw this guy with a shaved head and white muscle shirt, right off the Mr Clean bottle. He's walking down a BsAs street and was doing the x-ray stare at something, I think a fire hydrant, and he ends up walking at full stride into a plate glass storefront. His head bounced off the glass like a handball, just like Homer Simpson.
Hey, we have to take our entertainment where we find it.

I think the stare thing is why so many people step in the dog crap.
i get the stare from old ladies on the subte, and i get just a little bit of pleasure out of staring them down until they look away ;)
am i the only one who finds blue leopard stretch pants really hot

where would my love life be without them
