I Found The Real Use For Bidets In Buenos Aires

Most Yanquis only use them for defrosting Turkeys during the holiday season.

Yes this is a severe Salmonella risk.
Although I am Argentine and know very well what it is for, my Irish grandmother and I in the seventies were on a trip in France and Italy and so found it useful to soak her weary feet after a full day of touring!
Way over the top.
Here's the scenario. Camel goes out running looking for a pull up bar. He finally finds one in Puerto Madero. That very same morning a tanker from Liberia carrying a fresh shipment of kale docks, a rat escapes from the tanker. A stray dog eats some of the rat's poo as we know dog's do do. Later that afternoon the dog who is suffering severe diarrhea finds release under a pull up bar.

Camel comes home and finding his trainers soiled rinses them off in the bidet.

That night, Camel hosts a coffee tasting party to determine the best coffee available for purchase in Baires. AND THEN CONTAGION!

Contagions are traditional named after the discoverer of the contagion (Joe) and the original host (Camel). Hence this contagion would be called the "Joe Camel Contagion".

Spoiler Alert: Last Scene of Contagion:

As far as a movie being "over the top" then you need to talk about "Interstellar".