If You Were The Next President Of Argentina

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Kenny G.. or somebody..said: [/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]'Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country' [/background]

@Pensador, was your post simply to get a discussion going where you could bash Argentina and it's "dysfunctions?" Because all of your posts are like that. So far you have brought a very self-righteous and extremely non-worldly perspective to this forum. It is like you just arrived here and are shocked and indignant that Argentina isn't like whatever country you come from - because that must be so much better. Frankly, it is boring.

I have no problem with people complaining about Argentina. There is certainly enough to complain about. But you are a serial offender. I have yet to see you offer anything that passes as constructive content.

Please answer your own question. Regale us with your wisdom of global and regional economics, geo-politics, balance of trade solutions, the poverty cycle, and please be sure to include your deep understanding of Argentine politics.

Yours truly,

Read this about her December visit to Argentina:

From Gloria Alvarez speech during her visit to Argentina

The populist politician first seeks to polarize society and engender hate,” said Álvarez, “in order to later attempt to transform parliamentary institutions into another arm of the executive power. After this, they’ll try to corrupt and manipulate the judiciary.”+
“If unchecked, populists will attempt to reform the constitution to keep themselves in power, limiting private property and the freedom of the press,” she said, adding wryly that “any similarity” with the contemporary situation in Argentina was “pure coincidence.”

Gloria Alvarez Presidente...!!
Photo from her campaign to promote reading

bajo thanks for the articles. the 70's were difficult for everyone. I remember heavy inflation and a shortage of oil in my country. the 80's started well enough, inflation in check, but tax law's were changed. the result was a recession. my point is those 2 decades were problematic. I believe international trade is essential for future economical growth. its possible to review the existing markets and protect the industries providing valuable jobs. that said, opening the restriction on electronic devices, household appliances, and clothing would provide a retail tax opportunity, and lower the cost of living for everyone. let the farmers sell into the global market with constraints and consideration for the needs of argentina. open trade but have a controlled offence and feed free enterprize.
If you don't change the tax system - both the structure and enforcement - nothing else will change here. I don't hear any of the candidates talking about that.
If you don't change the tax system - both the structure and enforcement - nothing else will change here. I don't hear any of the candidates talking about that.
We are sucking on the Hope and Change tit and nothing will change for the better. Once massive systems and infrastructure begin the downward spiral only revolution will bring change. In Argentina we have popular mentality of fatality in the US we the fatal illusion of change via a do nothing congress and buffoon president. It's no wonder that the millennials don't even bother to vote.
The golden rule - dont feed the troll.

Those that understand what is going on around them and call a spade a spade often get the label of a troll. I would rather be called a troll than be politically correct!
“There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones. ”
― Niccolò Machiavelli