I'm Hungry

fred mertz

Jun 11, 2009
Yesterday (31/08) a Porteno told me that 350 restaurants closed in Buenos Aires in the last year. There are undoubtedly many reasons, but an average of 1 every day seems unbelievable. I wonder how many restaurants opened in the last year?
The crisis is here. I have seen lots of negocios closed with the "se alquila" sign, lots of shuts down. If you were here in 2001, was amazingly bigger, you amost didnt have any negocio open, but its true that the crisis is here now, and at least for a couple of years it wont get better. We didnt have recession since 2002, you cant grow indefenitely. Hope the country does not blow as every ten years (since dictatorship).
Yesterday (31/08) a Porteno told me that 350 restaurants closed in Buenos Aires in the last year. There are undoubtedly many reasons, but an average of 1 every day seems unbelievable. I wonder how many restaurants opened in the last year?

Aside from where he got the info, define "restaurant." It might be anything from a carrito up. Restaurants come and go all the time - I recall reading, but cannot cite the source, that a majority of restaurants close within one year of opening. Whether or not that's true, I think it's pretty obvious that all eateries have a pretty high failure rate.
500 restaurants closed..!!! according to the Argentine Chamber of Reatauarants!

Read the article Mr, Ajo. your comments are a constant in-and-out jajajaj you like the Socratic method of questioning! What is a restaurant? How many should fail? jajjajajajaj Confusion ism is you motto.

500 restaurants closed..!!! according to the Argentine Chamber of Reatauarants!

Read the article Mr, Ajo. your comments are a constant in-and-out jajajaj you like the Socratic method of questioning! What is a restaurant? How many should fail? jajjajajajaj Confusion ism is you motto.


Then the question apparently becomes, "How many pizzerías have replaced parrillas?" What is the net gain or loss? Who is responsible for the closures? The absolute number, even if accurate, doesn't tell us much.
Then the question apparently becomes, "How many pizzerías have replaced parrillas?" What is the net gain or loss? Who is responsible for the closures? The absolute number, even if accurate, doesn't tell us much.

Very Socratic! hahaha Ajo pls bring answers . If you read the article ? you would have the answers! Wiil spell them for you again, In a Pizza and Pasta resto, the owner can work out the pricing to show a profit. In a Parrilla where prices of meat have tripled and is a loosing proposition!

The closing of Astrid and Gaston is an indicator. I say

Ajo please direct your comments and views to the Restaurant Chamber association

"Sólo en Buenos Aires[font=Open Sans'] ya hay [/font]más pizzerías que en toda Roma y Nápoles juntas"[font=Open Sans'].[/font]
"Sólo en Buenos Aires[font=Open Sans'] ya hay [/font]más pizzerías que en toda Roma y Nápoles juntas"[font=Open Sans'].[/font]

Too bad their pizza is nowhere as healthy nor good!