Immigration / Permanent residents


Jun 6, 2005
Coming back from a trip to the US I presented my DNI (Permanent residence for a long time) to the immigration official. Normally I get through very fast however this time she took a long time, checked and rechecked. She wasn't rude but she seemed to WANT to find something wrong, finally asked me if I were a permanent resident. That should be obvious from the DNI. Also that information must be in her system. Is there something going on at immigration these days?
Strange. When I came through immigration last week the same thing happened to me. I actually got pulled to the supervisors office who scrutinized my passport and records. Took some time. Unusual because I have been living here for almost three years and had never occurred before.
There was a change in the law a year ago, seems they are begining to deal with it. Bourocracy is slow as a turtle but it can get you. Regards
Bajo_cero - please elaborate what changes in the law you are referring to - specifically regarding those who have permanent residency?
Yes, I really would like to know about this change. Please let us know.
Strange. I've never heard about them hassling people that legally have their permanent residency. I did hear from several people last year that they were going to crack down on all the 'permatourists' illegally staying in Argentina indefinitely crossing the border into Uruguay and renewing every 90 days.

I even knew a few tourists that customs told them they must leave the country within X days. But I've NEVER heard about people that have permanent residency being hassled. I'm not sure legally what they could do to people that took the time, trouble (years) going through the permanent residency process.

I travel quite a bit going in and out of Argentina every month. I've never gotten hassled or bothered. Granted I haven't been to Argentina in about 5 months now but before that every month going through was very easy showing my DNI (I've had permanent residency for many years) plus my USA passport.

Do keep us posted if you hear any other information.
Hey everyone. I just thought I'd post an update. I called my immigration attorney in Argentina which specializes in immigration law.

They DID confirm to me there is an existing law on the books in Argentina that states that any permanent resident should come to Argentina at least once every 2 years. The law states that if you don't, the government has the right to withdraw or cancel your permanent residency.

So definitely those of you that have permanent residency come at least once every 2 years as it sounds like they might be starting to enforce this law.

Hope that helps.
earlyretirement said:
Hope that helps.

It helps a lot. I recently posted about this requirement and no one seemed to think it was being enforced.

It's good to know that migraciones may be starting to get tough.
steveinbsas said:
It helps a lot. I recently posted about this requirement and no one seemed to think it was being enforced.

It's good to know that migraciones may be starting to get tough.

Hey Steve,

Yeah, he said that they are seeing cases now where the government has actually enforced it and taken away permanent residency status so it does sound like especially with members reporting getting hassled, they are going to be doing that.

Fortunately once every 2 years doesn't seem to be a big hassle for most people. At least it's not every year. But much like everything else in Argentina, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing I'm sure.