Imports Are Making A Comeback

You guys are so funny. I won't even buy at Carrefour or COTO unless I can't get it from a mom and pop in my neighborhood, a local farmer, etc. I am determined to support my own community and my neighbors. You're all excited about getting something from outside of the COUNTRY! And I think we are all from the U.S. Just shows how different cultures can be from within the same country. I'm not complaining. I'm just an observer.
You guys are so funny. I won't even buy at Carrefour or COTO unless I can't get it from a mom and pop in my neighborhood, a local farmer, etc. I am determined to support my own community and my neighbors. You're all excited about getting something from outside of the COUNTRY! And I think we are all from the U.S. Just shows how different cultures can be from within the same country. I'm not complaining. I'm just an observer.

I couldn't agree more, but I do often wonder where the local mom-and-pops are buying the stuff that they retail. Seems it is often from mayoristas, and they in turn, are owned by??? I'd love to know.
I couldn't agree more, but I do often wonder where the local mom-and-pops are buying the stuff that they retail. Seems it is often from mayoristas, and they in turn, are owned by??? I'd love to know.

Chino stores are associated and purchase as a block form directly manufacturers and maybe Mayoristas...!!
Don't think there are many mom and pop stores here, all the non-chain supermarkets are chinos which belong to some kind of mafia. There is a small grocery shop on my corner, run by a man in his 80's who's been there since '65 and his shop dates from the 30's. He barely carries any stock, though many customers come in for a chat.
Don't think there are many mom and pop stores here, all the non-chain supermarkets are chinos which belong to some kind of mafia.
I never quite understood that. All I remember is that some guy tried to explain me how these stores would change locations every once in a whole to evade tax or something, but that is all I know. Can someone explain this?

I just don't like the complete lack of social awareness of these Chinese who just sit there like robots and yell SINKWENTASINKO in your face (without looking at you).

Anyway, I usually also dislike the queues in Carrefours and Discos, people take hours in front of a checkout to buy impressive collections of random supermarket items: like as if in the morning they suddenly realized they wanted to spend all their savings on yogur griego or something.
There was an article a while back, not sure I can find it anymore, outlining the links between the chinese criminal gangs and the chinese supermarkets and how basically every supermarket owner was associated with one of the gangs and paid them a percentage (any attempt to not do so led to bad consequences for store owner). Can't remember what paper did it - Herald maybe? Anyway, I think true "mom and pops" are not that common. I chatted with this guy in Makro the other day who was buying a huge amount of stuff and he told me he had a kiosko (out of his house) and he buys his supplies there and simply resells the stuff. According to him, not uncommon.

In re imported things - it has nothing to do with being excited for something from "OUT OF THE COUNTRTY" - it has to do with not being able to find certain things here. If there were a local product, I think few people would pay the prices for imported goods.
Well this is interesting if there are Chinese stores connected with mafia but I don´t buy from chinese anyway. Not prejudiced. There is one near me and I bought a half dozen eggs and ALL OF THEM FLOATED like corks. I have never been back.

It depends on what you buy I guess. My produce people are in my neighborhood and maybe they buy from mafia. I´d like to know. There is a small electrical supply on the next block, she is from Uruguay and married a poteno who doesn´t want to live in Uruguay so she came here, I buy paper for my printer on the next block from what looks like a small stationery store but I could go up to Easy or to Staples, I looked at small hard drives today in Sony in Alto Palermo and I´m still all mad. It was made in China. But can you buy stuff like that NOT made in China? Supposedly the Samsung netbook I just bought is made in Argentina. You couldn´t prove it by me but that isn´t "made in China" too.

Well if you find out who is mafia, I hope you´ll let me know. I appreciate ALL your information. I buy organic produce from El Rincon Organico and from El Jardin Organico. They claim their stuff is grown outside Buenos Aires, I think they said in La Plata. I am open to all advice.
This was an article just a few days ago so wasn't the one I was thinking of but talks about the connection between criminals and chinese supermarkets here in Argentina (in Spanish):

Ah, here's one in English back from '10, maybe this is the one I was remembering:

ETA: By the way, I think it's great that you support local businesses, I think all of us should. I was just discussing the chinese supermarket question specifically. I too patronize local businesses whenever possible around my house.
I just don't like the complete lack of social awareness of these Chinese who just sit there like robots and yell SINKWENTASINKO in your face (without looking at you).

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I think I just peed myself! I have yet to have one tell me GRASHA!