Infographic About Expat Life -- It's Not Always Smooth!

I very much disagree when it comes to Argentina. While I think it is important to learn the language and intergrate anywhere you live, I was much happier here before I fully understood exactly what people were saying and their associated alterior motives. Also while the people who live here 5+ years and don't really speak the language kind of give me verguenza ajena they seem to enjoy it more, like they are on a perpetual honeymoon with the country, while the rest of us are knee-deep in reality.

That is definitely true and something I admittedly overlook sometimes. I projected it as being a bit more simplified than it actually is and it only stems from my own experiences. Another major cause is, in my reason, that most (just generalizing here) people grow more cynical as they age. Only a logical process of course, since there are less interesting and entertaining 'firsts', you lose your idealism and naivety, you trust politicians and governments even less, etc. It's a difficult mental exercise to balance your expectations and responsibilities in life...