Interior Designer

I didn't mean to make you feel stupid! It is a very common confusion… most people don't know the distinction between designers and decorators. Anyway, perhaps there are some decorators who do charge a fixed rate. I'm sure they will correct me. : )
Make sure to visit CASA FOA ( You'll probably get lots of ideas and might meet some interior designers.
The best furniture stores in the city are on Arenales between Cerrito (9 de Julio) and Montevideo. Talk to the people in these stores. They will steer you in the right direction. La Compagna (Between Cerrito and Libertad, Montrova next to the Belair Hotel) and the store across the street from Montrova are probably the best.
Thanks! and sorry for my previous post - I thought it sounded too agressive and silly, but could not delete it afterwards. So, not only was I wrong, I was plainly stupid (I guess I could play the "sorry, English is not my native language" card, but I should have know better). :rolleyes:

Thanks for the clarification! And sorry again. :)
I didn't mean to make you feel stupid! It is a very common confusion… most people don't know the distinction between designers and decorators. Anyway, perhaps there are some decorators who do charge a fixed rate. I'm sure they will correct me. : )

Casa FOA is an exposition created by Argentine designers but would not be the place that you would find them as they are more commercial designers. Also if your trying to figure out spacial things talking to a furniture sales person won't be the best contact in solving the situation. And Sylvie I share your feelings as an interior design student thats what people always think we go to school and work hard doing so for. But anyway its not like people know so we have to cut them some slack. :)