Internet woes - need a nerd :)


Oct 19, 2010
As much of a nerd as I am, I am having a helluva time getting a router to connect to the DSL modem at my apartment from Arnet so that I can have wireless. Is there a nerd out there who would be willing to help me out for an hour or so? I'll pay you or take you for a drink or whatever. Thanks!
Lee, what's your number? I could call you. Basically I follow the instructions, everything lights up, but nothing can find each other. I've set up routers to modems a thousand times... not sure what is the issue here. One thing is that I can't get to the router's gateway IP page even when I am online directly with the modem through either computer I have (a mac and a PC)
If you get it figured out, wireless for Arnet DSL, let me know please. Damned if I could figure it out: Belkin N+. My thought is you need a dedicated DSL router?
What is a dedicated DSL router as opposed to just a normal router? There is no reason that the router shouldn't just be able to plug into the modem and work as long as the modem is set up, which is now is.

Does the router need to "log in" to the modem through PPPoE or something, do you think?
Dedicated, DSL only, no broadband capabilities. Like to think I tried everything, could never get the broadband router to work even though the literature said "DSL compatible."

Good luck
I don't think it's that - a good router should work with most any modem. I will call their tech support and keep annoying them until I find a solution!!
There IS an issue with connecting dsl & arnet. We had the same problem. I have no idea what it was but I believe you need to get on the phone with arnet. They need to do something on their side. My husband set dealt with this so if you don't get it figured out by then, I'll ask him when he gets back from work what the issue was.
Great. I am going to have a friend call them tonight who is a local. They were a little tough on me because my Spanish isn't perfect! I think also that the router needs to pass the username and password to the modem somehow.
OK, I got it running. You need to have your router call into the modem (using PPPoE) with your Arnet user name and password. I can now help other people do this if they get stuck!

By the way, I then wired a VPN router to the other router, so it looks like all of my traffic is coming through the USA - a great solution to those who want to get Pandora, Hulu, etc. here!