Internet woes - need a nerd :)

jenh said:
By the way, I then wired a VPN router to the other router, so it looks like all of my traffic is coming through the USA - a great solution to those who want to get Pandora, Hulu, etc. here!

I'm glad you got it worked out. How do you do the above? I've tried doing it but can't get it to work.
For VPN? I use StrongVPN, and a router from Sabai Technologies that is set up to go with their system. It is excellent. If you have any specific questions about setup, I can call you or tell you on chat or something. It's a lot to type out.
I didn't buy it here. I bought it from Sabai Technology (check them out online) or others who are linked from the Strong VPN site. Or, depending on how good you are, you can 'flash' a router with the settings for your VPN to make it work... there are instructions on how to do this on the Strong VPN forums, but I think it is a little technical. I'm not sure that all routers will allow you to do it. This is a Cisco Linksys rounter WRT320n
You got hulu to work here? I (well my boyfriend) ssh tunnels to get to Pandora, Netflix, Steam (to buy video games) and what not, but Hulu won't work, really wish it did because it would go great with our boxee box (well actually not a boxee box, yet, an old laptop running boxee, our friend is bringing us a d-link boxee box in Jan though!).
jenh said:
For VPN? I use StrongVPN, and a router from Sabai Technologies that is set up to go with their system. It is excellent. If you have any specific questions about setup, I can call you or tell you on chat or something. It's a lot to type out.

Thanks for your reply. too bad I didn't know about all this last week! DH just came back from the US. Oh, well. My connection is really slow so I'd probably get more frustrated and I don't watch too much TV. So I end up downloading what I want and that it. But thanks for the info & I'm glad you got it working.
Jenh - are you viewing tv/movies directly on your pc, or via another device? We have a roku, and I'm wondering how well that would work in combination with StrongVPN and the router you bought to watch netflix, etc.
I am just watching directly on my PC, I don't know about those other things you mention, but I do have an internet radio that can get Pandora if it connects to the VPN broadcast from the second router.
jenh said:
OK, I got it running. You need to have your router call into the modem (using PPPoE) with your Arnet user name and password. I can now help other people do this if they get stuck!

By the way, I then wired a VPN router to the other router, so it looks like all of my traffic is coming through the USA - a great solution to those who want to get Pandora, Hulu, etc. here!

What was the benefit of tying the VPN router into another router - can you not use the VPN one directly? I'm looking into StrongVPN, and now wondering if I need two routers!
