Introduction: Looking For Vol./internships For My Son

I am not young any longer so others say about me. When I was at the age of wanting treats then perhaps It was why not get a paper route. Six Days a week or the Sunday route which was more difficult to obtain as seniority was needed there. Other things were raking leaves or shoveling snow or perhaps cutting lawns too. I was always busy. What I am getting to is this .. my father never went looking on my behalf for my livelihood as he knew I could figure out how to obtain it on my own. So was the case all my life too. I need not say more.
Hi Paul, firstly its great to see that your son is willing to do this, it will be a fantastic development experience for him and if all goes to plan he will be a changed person by the time he makes his way home.

Youth Development is actually my area of expertise, although not in Argentina. I should also add that I cannot comment on internships as that is not our cohort, although it is important that if this is you sons aim you would still need to check the bona fides of any company. The organization I work for in Australia is partnered with Raleigh International in the UK. They have nearly 30 years experience in expeditions world wide. Bias aside, I have worked for them in Borneo, they are darn good. I note that you have already been direceted to a few Argentine specific sites on this thread, check them out and then compare them to Raleigh. Just google Raleigh International.

A few tips for you as the parent, be sure that any organization you deal with has the following;
  • Full risk assessments for all sites/projects
  • Medivac and casevac policies
  • Repatriation policy
  • Who they are insured by
  • The level of expertise of staff members
  • What are the hidden costs
A note of caution for you, youth development and gap years spent overseas represent a huge market, and serious money is to be made. There are a lot of sharks out there, so please do the above groundwork. Also, as with any person he will have to confirm with the laws of the country, sounds a crazy thing to say, but it's the lecture I have to give my clients each time they travel.

I agree with the other posters that you son needs to take the lead in research and planning, if fact for me it would be the acid test, this is his 'buy in' to his gap year. He will only get out of the experience what he puts in, and remember he's only 18 so question him as to his level of motivation and what projects/jobs he can handle.

If there is any more information you need feel free to message me, and good luck to your son on his journey :)
Below are a couple of suggestions. I also had a paper route when I was in J.H.S. (The Long Island Press) A NYC newspaper now defunct.

PS. My parents never did anything for me either. I guess it varies, not all families are alike.
My apologies, I thought I'd get an email informing me that I had replies to this post, but just logging in now to see all the kind advice. Thank you!