Travelling in northern Argentina in October and November of 1995, I well remember that Maradona had just returned to play his final stint at Boca, with his hair dyed blue and gold. We became a bit interested in football and would watch the games on television and have a bit of a chuckle at the comentators' pronunciation of the name of a red-headed player on the same team: MACAlister. We assumed he was some kind of import or player on loan from the UK, and Google didn't exist in those days to find the information at the push of a button. In fact, it was Carlos MacAllister, Alexis' father, later a secretary for sport in Macri's administration.
One of the games I referred to. From 6:44 to 6:49 MacAllister senior appears clearly in the picture. At 7:13 the commentator names him in the play.
My memory is pretty spot on. The error was recalling that Maradona had dyed his hair blue and yellow. As the video shows, it was just yellow.
His appearance at Oxford occurred several weeks later, on 6 November, still with the yellow hair: