Is Brazil On A Come Back?


Apr 1, 2014
Like I said recently Brazil will come out of recession.They just signed a U$D 50 b investment package with the Asian Goliath China. The next 2 stops on the Chinese investment road show will be Chile and Peru.Argentina is a fly over this trip. Guess which country Brazil is building their highway to the Pacific thru?I said it once and I'll keep on saying it-Brazil is THE leader in L.A.
Yes why aren't the Chinese building the new rail line from Sao Paolo to Argentina's Pacific coast? Only Argentina's government would be dumb enough to let neoliberal impediments like geography block China's Drang Nach Meer.
Petrolao (Petrobras) and Mensalao (Congress) are the uncovered scandals so far.
BNDES is the government development bank that financed most of the real estate and the private companies owned by the government cronies. It also the bank that lends money to Argentina and Venezuela. Once it is audited, the losses are expected to be absolutely staggering. It will make the Petrobras scandal look like nothing.

Come back story? The worse is yet to happen. All we say was a preamble of the crisis.

EdRooney: I wasn't aware that Argentina had a Pacific coast but Peru certainly does.
EdRooney: I wasn't aware that Argentina had a Pacific coast but Peru certainly does.

Argentina aspired to a Pacific Coast, but the Pope said no in 1979:
how hard is that a country's aspirations depends on the pope will
The dispute between Chile and us in 1979 was NOT about a piece of Pacific coastline, but about three small rocks at the mouth of the Beagle Channel. It was mainly to define how the neighboring waters should be split between they and us. The Church mediated that dispute and ruled about 70 % for us and the reminder for the Chileans.
And the uninhabited islands remained in Chile´s possession, as they always had been.
The dispute between Chile and us in 1979 was NOT about a piece of Pacific coastline, but about three small rocks at the mouth of the Beagle Channel. It was mainly to define how the neighboring waters should be split between they and us. The Church mediated that dispute and ruled about 70 % for us and the reminder for the Chileans.
And the uninhabited islands remained in Chile´s possession, as they always had been.


VIVA la Patria!!!!

Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Los Beagle son Argentinas
Santa Cruz es para los "K"
The dispute between Chile and us in 1979 was NOT about a piece of Pacific coastline, but about three small rocks at the mouth of the Beagle Channel. It was mainly to define how the neighboring waters should be split between they and us. The Church mediated that dispute and ruled about 70 % for us and the reminder for the Chileans.
And the uninhabited islands remained in Chile´s possession, as they always had been.

You know Chile and Argentina both dispute a HUGE chunk of Antarctica....but of course the argentines sent a pregnant lady there to give birth so they could claim sovereignty.....any truth to that? I mean I've read about it but did it actually happen?