I am convinced that a large part of this inflation is greed. Prices go up constantly because there is confusion about pricing and fair values. Merchants take advantage of the confusion. During the 1 peso - 1 dollar era any price increase had to be justified. The public got used to the idea of price stability. Now that there is chaos in pricing merchants can easily mark up without cause. Rents are up but the price of gas, water, electricity etc. remain frozen. Has anyone noticed the illogic of certain pricing: for example, a main course in many restaurants costs around $25 pesos but dessert is easily $15 pesos or even more. A cup of coffee, almost uniformly $1,50 pesos during the 1-1 era, is now $4,50 or much more in some premium places. I can't help but think that these prices are not necessary yet they keep going up and the public seem willing to pay.