Is It Democratic To Elect A Dictator Or A Lunatic ?

Democracy works better when it is bought and sold to rich interest groups. That way the powerful elite (the smart people, of course) get to ensure that the rest of us are in condition to queue round the block to buy an upgrade on a mobile phone every now and again.

Hurrah for the democratic auctioning of policy!
Democracy works better when it is bought and sold to rich interest groups. That way the powerful elite (the smart people, of course) get to ensure that the rest of us are in condition to queue round the block to buy an upgrade on a mobile phone every now and again.

Hurrah for the democratic auctioning of policy!

Seems you´re saying yes, you agree with @chet´s definition.
Still can´t get over the first shock.
Like turning the whole world on its head.

But, if it is self destructive (the way you put it), why every politician on earth is rapping himself in its flag ?
Why is it sought after at all corners of the earth ?

The characterization of democracy as "mob rule" is an anachronism from Greek times. "Representative government" would be a better terms, though it's still capable of corruption by mobs. Churchill famously said "that democ­racy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…" but the origins of that phrase are unclear.
In modern political sciences Democracy is only a voting process which could of course lead to 'mob rule' or 'tyranny of the majority' as is often said.

The modern nation state however is not only based on 'democracy' and to understand nation states in this way is a gross oversimplification.

Democracy is part of a matrix of governmental organization processes, norms and structures which together create a system for the various branches of the ruling system to interact with each other horizontally , and to interact with the population vertically.

An important element to consider is the constitution which is a primary structure for regulating all of these elements; including (but not limited to) the polity's voting method.

Most lay people think of the democratic element of state organization as being the foundation for its legitimacy, but it's actually the constitution with all of it's bells and whistles which really serves this function. The voting element is an a necessary but not a sufficient element of a just nation state setup.

In modern political sciences Democracy is only a voting process which could of course lead to 'mob rule' or 'tyranny of the majority' as is often said.

The modern nation state however is not only based on 'democracy' and to understand nation states in this way is a gross oversimplification.

Democracy is part of a matrix of governmental organization processes, norms and structures which together create a system for the various branches of the ruling system to interact with each other horizontally , and to interact with the population vertically.

An important element to consider is the constitution which is a primary structure for regulating all of these elements; including (but not limited to) the polity's voting method.

Most lay people think of the democratic element of state organization as being the foundation for its legitimacy, but it's actually the constitution with all of it's bells and whistles which really serves this function. The voting element is an a necessary but not a sufficient element of a just nation state setup.


That deserved a smiley face? I felt like I was reading a washing machine manual.
That deserved a smiley face? I felt like I was reading a washing machine manual.

Sometimes important issues are best served with well thought out and 'complex' explanation. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, not everything can be said in quip form :) :)
Sometimes important issues are best served with well thought out and 'complex' explanation. I tried to keep it as simple as possible, not everything can be said in quip form :) :)

Communications should indeed be always be well thought out. The most solid ideas can absolutely be explained quite simply and do not need to hind behind the opaque language of a technocrat.

I can make up a quip for that if it serves to illustrate a point, but I have a spin cycle to sort out first.