Is It Democratic To Elect A Dictator Or A Lunatic ?

Remember the teachings Steve - what is the sound of one dog barking?

A barking dog may be irritating. but it can be easily ignored.

A rabid dog, however is harmful and may pose a threat.

I hadn't responded to the recent posts in which the Galt's Gulch Chile link was used in reply to posts I've made (in other threads) that had nothing to do with that subject.

And, until now, I haven't replied to this one (which appeared in the "I was denied entry at Ezeiza threar and undoubtedly was meant to appear to be a reply a "quote" which had been significantly altered from what I actually posted):

It's always worth issuing a warning about the credibility of a commentator who, inspired by the same hack, appears to be putting together a comparable scam (supposedly not in the vicinity of Bahía Blanca)

Does anyone seriously think this is an example of a "petty feud' between two expats?

I am very happy living where I live and I would like to have one like minded neighbor (who can come and go as they please but at least be here for a month or two at a time so I can spend more time in Paris while it's still desirable to do so). I have been considering subdividing and offering one 2500 meter lot (next to my house). I have clear title to the land and the subdivision is permitted by law. If I ever do sell a part of my property, I will not accept any funds until the papers which transfer clear title are ready to sign. There will only be an boleto, no money down, and no extra fees or costs.

I haven't disclosed any details of the potential sale until now. If anyone has any evidence that supports the assertion that I am "putting together a comparable scam" to the fraudulent land sales at Galt's Gulch Chile please come forward and present it now. The above post was apparently meant to harm my reputation and/or credibility and hamper the sale of my property. I am not asking to the posts to be removed, but I am not going to sit back and remain silent.

The alleged "scam" at Galt's Gulch Chile is based on the fact that lots of 1.5 acres were "pre-sold" (prior to the approval of the master plan) in an environmentally protected zone in which the subdivision of the land into "lots of that size was not permitted by law and the master plan had no chance of being approved. There were also issues regarding water rights. I not only have access to ground water, I have municipal water (agua corritente) at my house as well, but additional details are necessary here.
Have you been forbidden to use the name *** in the forum?

I suppose there's a chance the Medicare sponger was attempting to be a satirist but, like her acolytes, she never showed much aptitude for critical thought.
Well, Argentina is a good example of how its decadency is related to dictators whom Nobody voted them.
I think the worry that I have, and many others too, is less that not enough people vote, but too
many apathetic/uneducated people do.

I may not agree with a right wing view of the world, but I'd prefer to have someone who is
right wing and educated vote than the huge portion of "independent" people who vote over
petty things or do it because "XXX died so you could vote". "Just 'cuz" isn't a reason to vote.

Whenever someone says "I didn't/won't vote because I don't care" you shouldn't ridicule them,
you should be thankful they didn't make your vote count less since they don't care.
I think the worry that I have, and many others too, is less that not enough people vote, but too
many apathetic/uneducated people do.

I may not agree with a right wing view of the world, but I'd prefer to have someone who is
right wing and educated vote than the huge portion of "independent" people who vote over
petty things or do it because "XXX died so you could vote". "Just 'cuz" isn't a reason to vote.

Whenever someone says "I didn't/won't vote because I don't care" you shouldn't ridicule them,
you should be thankful they didn't make your vote count less since they don't care.

This is the begining of the end.

The issue you have in the US is that politicians do what corporations wants instead of what people wants

Good luck with that, because you need luck.