Is There Any Sort Of "fiance Visa" In Argentina?


Jan 3, 2013
Hi all,
If one (non-Argentine, non-mercosur) is planning to marry an Argentine citizen within the next 6 months, is there any type of visa based on this condition that will allow temporary residency until the marriage takes place? Assuming that this person would apply for permanent residency afterwards.
Hi all,
If one (non-Argentine, non-mercosur) is planning to marry an Argentine citizen within the next 6 months, is there any type of visa based on this condition that will allow temporary residency until the marriage takes place? Assuming that this person would apply for permanent residency afterwards.

When I got married, I just came on a tourist visa and did it. The Registro Civil in Olavarría (my wife's hometown) was a little worried because they'd never married a non-citizen before, and because they weren't sure I understood Spanish well enough to realize what I was getting into (I did, though I understand it better now). That was 30 years ago, however.
Yes, it's the "Novia visa".

Ley 2003-1446

Articulo 1: Para probar la relacion de noviazgo, el novio y la novia deben darse un beso en la boca frente al oficial de la DNM.
Articulo 2: La novia tendra que ser preguntada sobre el campionato de football argentino, a fines de determinar su potencial de integracion.
Articulo 2 inc. 1: Todo el personal de la aduana tendra que piropear a la novia, para confirmar su potencial de integracion y confirmar/infirmar los resultados determinados en el articulo 2.
Yes, it's the "Novia visa".

Ley 2003-1446

Articulo 1: Para probar la relacion de noviazgo, el novio y la novia deben darse un beso en la boca frente al oficial de la DNM.
Articulo 2: La novia tendra que ser preguntada sobre el campionato de football argentino, a fines de determinar su potencial de integracion.
Articulo 2 inc. 1: Todo el personal de la aduana tendra que piropear a la novia, para confirmar su potencial de integracion y confirmar/infirmar los resultados determinados en el articulo 2.

¿Y si es novio? ¿O los dos novios? ¿O las dos novias?
Just have your civil ceremony now and get it over with. Then you can plan for your church/temple/mosque/pagan ceremony for the next 6 months.

That's what a South African friend did. (Though she just had an anchor baby in Miami, so I don't know if they'll ever move back.)
There's really no need. Just get the tourist visa, and after you get married, you can get permanent residency pretty quickly.
What if you'e entered and exited the country various times? Do you just overstay until you get married?
Why not? The whole system looks for make you legal. You overstay and then you apply for permanent residency.