Is there market demand for fresh oyster mushrooms (hongos girgolas) in Buenos Aires?

The only mushrooms that Argentinians will pay top dollar for are magic mushrooms that have become very popular of late in the professional classes as a cure all for depression and enhanced spiritual awareness. I do not know the legality of this in Argentina but in Peru and Bolivia they are legal .

they are not legal here, but...
guess what happened:

today i went for a long walk, as i always do, and for the first time ever, got stopped by three armed Gendarmeria police. they wanted to arrest me for not having an ID on me but as soon as I told them about my plan to grow mushrooms for sale, it made them laugh so hard that they decided to let me go. That was totally unexpected to me. Are mushroom associated with something infinitely funny and stupid in Argentina?
guess what happened:

today i went for a long walk, as i always do, and for the first time ever, got stopped by three armed Gendarmeria police. they wanted to arrest me for not having an ID on me but as soon as I told them about my plan to grow mushrooms for sale, it made them laugh so hard that they decided to let me go. That was totally unexpected to me. Are mushroom associated with something infinitely funny and stupid in Argentina?

They must of been tripping on mushrooms it seems to be common now in Argentina.