Yes, yes, all passwords changed. Up all night. Ugh. Nightmare.
I did not have passcode on my iPad (convenience, stupid me), but I DID have "find" enabled... waiting to see if and when they try to log onto wifi... hasn't happened so far... we shall see... (Trying to remember if I removed all the nudie shots of my girlfriend, lol!) Laptop was not apple... Samsung -- slim, lightweight, sexy, all my teacher files... photos... (thank goodness I've done prolific blogging -- most of that is online... but all my ppts, hours and hours and hours of work!!!!)
And yes, I WILL be using a cloud service, if and when I ever get another laptop. (First priority when I get back to Toronto in May is paying my rent. Then groceries. Then laptop, hehe. iPad is a luxury I can't afford to replace, I'm afraid.)
Thanks all, for your sympathy and input. You know, one of the things with something like this is that one can feel very alone and vulnerable, and it's nice to have this community... thanks, y'all!