Japanese Antique Lacquer Repair...

Ghost - I hear you... That project is ongoing right now - full on in the middle of apartment hunting right now - we saw one yesterday and will be seeing several more this week and then making a decision - not to mention explaining to the landlady that she better have our money for us if she wants us out on time...:) Re: my katana - its tiny and minimal damage but I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to caring for my Nihonto - have been a collector for years and my golden rule is try and maintain and care for these amazing pieces of history as best as I can - so that the next custodian receives them in better condition rather than worse :)
Say, Juanito-san, can you slide out the "Tsuka" off your "Mekugi" then the "Tsuba" care to read me the forgery,er forging master's sign or katana-Touji, I will be flabbergasted you to find a -Murasame_ Nippon-Tou!
PMSL :) lol You WOULD get me in the middle of my morning coffee Ghost :) lol

@ Hybrid Ambassador - the nakago of the sword is unsigned (mumei) but it has kanteisho from Fujishiro-san himself attributing the blade to the Shinto (i.e. after 1600 - or after 1598 depending on how exact you want to be) Seki school of smiths - in other words it has passed official shinsa... For a shinto blade of about 300 to 350 years of age she is insanely ''busy'' - magnificent hada and hataraki of every conceivable type to be seen in the hamon... stunning koshirae - the lacquer work of the saya is wonderful (why I am going nuts over having done even the slightest imaginable damage to it - it survived the last 300 years or so so well and THEN takes damage ? Arrrgh (okay - lets put things in context here though - the normal person would probably not even SEE the damage I am talking about - but I still *know* its there...) The other thing that makes this katana (for me personally) so exceptional is the beautiful quality of the higo mounts... There are three sorts of koshirae I go nuts for - traditional tachi mounts, higo mounts and of course handachi mounts...

THIS is something maybe you guys can explain to me (?) Everywhere else I have lived there are major Nihonto (Japanese sword) dealers and collectors - in the local arms museum (I went a couple of years ago on the ''night of the museums'') I noticed they had a few bits and pieces - and I know Argentina has a very real historical connection with Japan - but as far as I can tell (?) there really ISN'T any serious Nihonto scene here ? I was for a while toying with the idea of setting up a Nihonto club here in Buenos Aires but I am wondering if there would even be any takers ?

Okay - first things first - myself, my partner and her daughter have been busily trying to organize our next apartment so that we know we have somewhere to MOVE TO in the next couple of weeks - and that takes priority over everything else...

But - I was thinking of going back to trading/dealing in Nihonto in a small way here in Buenos Aires - just a few well priced but exceptional quality pieces each year - but so far I have not noticed much interest... I have two exceptional Koto (pre 1600) tantos in wakizashi koshirae of nice quality that are available for sale and I posted an advert here and there were no inquiries? Most unusual... Maybe its just not an Argentine/expat thing here (?)
If you post them for sale in Orange County CA they will be gone in a heart beat.
I'm thinking I might have to sell international to be honest Ghost - its a shame though - I was hoping to either find (or create) a bit of a Nihonto scene right here - I need to sell these two because I have my eye on one really spectacular papered 600 year old tanto that is magnificent - but I always work with a budget when it comes to my antiquities collecting - if I want to buy something and its not ''in budget'' I then need to sell something first to pay for it...
Marvelous ! Juanito-san, by reading your adept understanding of every concerning to "Nippon-Tous history and your humour plus anecdote of your very well educated mastery about the Japanese Katana, I bow to your for being a Gaijin knowleadgeful! I really, now for sure wanting to see your Iai-Nuki, battou jutsu in action.! Your landlady, luckily for her that she doesn't know who she is dealin' with.!

Oh to add, thought seeing your writing that her Hubby came with a resolution as to entice you two to get a temp residency then move back in to your original place.? Also, Iam about to visit Bs As come next few weeks,so was thinking if appointment doable with you to do " Okatana-haiken acquiatances" is it possible ? If so, please PM me with your rendezvous place and cell#...Onegai-shimasu, Sensei!
What does one of these beauties sell for in the States [for example]?