It has been my impression that Mercosur has not worked well. That the region is not as integrated as it could be. I'm assuming that the organisation does not have the enforcement mechanisms that other trade blocks have. For the life of me I don't understand why Kirchner wants to provide a boon to Brazilian beef producers with his beef export tax. But I suppose he has his reasons.As to the price controls and the likehood of more inflation, I'm thinking that it would be better to sign a longer term lease when I find a place I like.As to the bipartisan support for various US encroachments of fundamental liberties that does not give me any assurances. I'm neither a Democrat or a Republican. But though only a few have felt the heavy hand of tyranny at the present, the legal precedents are being laid. Absent invasion, a police state does not appear overnight. We agree that currently power seems to have shifted towards the executive. The imputeous of that shift is the 'War of Terror'. War has a general rule shifts power to the executive. The 'War on Terror' is not a war that can be won. It can easily last decades. Therefore there a bipartisan trend towards greater executive power. If the 'War on Terror', however nebulous it might be, can't be won abroad; the struggle will be refocused domestically, hence a police state.
The lobbying system is merely the tip of the iceberg. There is a direct relation between power and the abuse of power. To limit corruption, power itself must be limited. There can not be great power without great corruption.
The lobbying system is merely the tip of the iceberg. There is a direct relation between power and the abuse of power. To limit corruption, power itself must be limited. There can not be great power without great corruption.