Journalists Deported you have an opinion on whether Arg had reason to believe that the deportees were in fact advocates of violent protests and accordingly were reasonably denied entry to the event/country?

I've found nothing at all to suggest that the expelled British journalist , Sally Burch, who lives in Ecuador is associated with an intent of violence or its promotion. Here's a quick bio of her:

She heads ‘ALAI’ and is internationally highly regarded for her work in Communications:

Here’s something on Peter Titland, the expelled Norwegian and what was done with him and other NGOs:

In English, this reads as follows:
Attac leader expelled on the way to the WTO summit
8. december 2017 Trade policy | press releases
Petter Slaatrem Titland is expelled to Brazil from Argentina, where he was to attend the WTO summit. This happens after Argentina without any officially stated reason has drawn Accreditation his WTO summit. In total 63 people were banned, but several have pressure from their home country regained akreditteringen. Norwegian Foreign Ministry has not managed this.
Similarly, exclusion of civil society has never happened before in the WTO's history, including the Financial Times calls the ban a "disgrace for WTO" and FT's trade editor said on Twitter "This is silly ... ' . EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrøm have in a public letter to Argentina strongly criticized the ban. WTO have also tried to get the Argentinian authorities to turn.
No one has been given any clear justification of the Argentine authorities as to why their accreditation removed, but on their own websites, they argue that this is due to security reasons and that those who are denied access to the summit has "encouraged violence and will spread the chaos" . The allegations are pure fiction from Argentine authorities. It becomes clear when one sees those who are denied access. Here one finds among other international trade union umbrella, the Belgian cooperation agency for development aid organizations 11.11.11, Friends of the Earth International (Conservation Association's international umbrella), Veterinarians Without Borders, the German branch of the aid organization Oxfam, as well as a number of researchers and academics. The allegation Attac as security threats have no basis in reality. Titland was on flyplasssen informed as follows on the basis:
You know why
Look at your website
There are of course all free to do in pursuit of incitement of violence and chaos ...
For Reuters says a spokesperson for the Argentine Foreign Ministry that they find the blacklisted individuals and organizations "more disruptive than constructive" and that it is on that basis they are banned.
They admit openly that these organizations be excluded because they are critical of aspects of global trade policy and thus will "interfere" negotiations.
Right now
Titland is now in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with police orders that his kal sent to Florianópolis (also in Brazil, and the city he traveled from).
Titland received legal aid from the Argentine human rights organization 'Centro de Estudios Legal y Sociales "(cels) and directed a formal complaint about the penalty. When accelerated border control penalty, so he was sent out of the country before it could get a judge's decision. Therefore, he is now sent via Sao Paulo, instead of Florianópolis was the original message.
The Foreign Minister is now in Buenos Aires, and we are now awaiting what MFA will do. Parliamentarian Liv Signe Navarsete (Center Party) is also in Buenos Aires now, and has been informed of the expulsion of Titland (she knows) and has asked the Foreign Minister on the matter.
Titland initially got this message that akkreditteringen his was revoked after he had traveled from Norway, and therefore chose to travel further from Brazil to Argentina as planned. He had not received official notice that he was refused entry. He landed at 4:40 p.m. local time (there are 4 hour time difference from Norway) and was held again at the passport control. He was held for over an hour without any clear message at all. So he was asked to sign papers, but denied this without a lawyer or representative from the embassy present.
MFA and the embassy is informed, but have failed to resolve the matter. Argentine human rights activists from Amnesty and Celsa have also tried to assist in contact with immigration authorities, and believes that the way this happens is not in line with Argentine laws.
The norwegian is an activist against tax heavens... this is the definition of a terrorist for a President who has him and his whole administration money at the Panama papers.
The norwegian is an activist against tax heavens... this is the definition of a terrorist for a President who has him {sic} and his whole administration money at the Panama papers.
Tax evasion is one thing. Theft is another. Do you really want to get into a debate about who, between Macri and the Ks, is the most corrupt and who has stolen more from the state?
What is going on now downtown in the way of protest? Who are the people making police intervention necessary? Does it take more than a choripan these days to organize the inhabitants of the villas?