Off-topic a bit but yes, there are some things here that I find overwhelmingly frustrating and it makes me shake my head to see Argentina shoot itself in the foot over & over again.
Take the difficulty (near impossibility) of starting a business here. Small business owners drive growth, give opportunities to others, are a key part of establishing a stable middle-class, etc. It is an essential part of a growing economy. Here - it's almost impossible.
We opened the subsidiary here at the end of '09. We're a small employer but we're the kind of employer you want here. WE are growing - rapidly. We pay good salaries, well above norm, everything is in blanco which means we pay lots of taxes, we have (had) plans to utilize BsAs as one of our main global hubs. And the work quality here is outstanding - I couldn't be happier with my employees.
But honestly, right now we have 3 major projects coming and I'm not sure I want to put the teams here. Between the astronomical inflation (20% percent raises a year), the incredible difficulties in the banking system (I have nightmares trying to get capital INTO the country to invest, can't imagine trying to get it out), the never-ending bullshit paperwork (we've now been waiting 5 months for an approval for something that was supposed to take 4 weeks maximum), the outrageous corp taxes, the fear of lawsuits, the system that can/does expose employers to extraordinary risks in terms of unemployment and severance, etc - how can I honestly sit in front of the president of my company and advocate for Argentina?
And I'm one small business. Now multiply that times 100s or 1000s or more. How does Argentina grow and stabilize when the underlying system seems designed to make it impossible to do so?
Look, I think BsAs is great. I have made wonderful friends and family and there are certainly many, many things I appreciate here. But as an outsider, sometimes I want to grab people and say "Don't put up with this BULLSHIT. Argentina can be so much more. There are great universities here, educated and responsible people, unbelievable natural resources, lots of room for growth - everything is here to have Argentina be back at the head of the class where they were in the 1900s.
And to watch it get pissed away, to watch the economy crash and burn every 10 years and yes, watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and then just see people go "Eh... no pasa nada... es normal, no importa" just frustrates the hell out of me. Because I think and believe Argentina and its people deserve so much more than what they have put up with for the last 80 years or so.