K Manual For Militia Resistance To Govmnt.

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Google Translate Interesting reading;

The unusual manual; "resistance" K dedicated to "micromilitancia"

It appeared on Twitter and within minutes became a viral phenomenon, despite doubts about its veracity. The 10 proposed actions: from putting up posters to buy Pagina / 12 and acting in the supermarket.

It is, aimed at "(mostly unknown) ordinary citizens" and spreads in a context in which, denounces the "new Argentine government's neoliberal style" has a "shield from hegemonic media information."


i have read the"tecnicas de resistencia activa-micromilitancia" where they advise La Campora to be polite and temperant of others etc.
O.K. Fine
.This Saturday La Campora should arrive as usual at the entrance to Parque Lezama with their tent and loudspeakers plus,flags and banners of Nestor and Cristina proclaiming "Templanza--Temperance"
Myself and a few Argie neighbors (not myself as spokesman as I am not an Argentine citizen which would be the first thing they would object to) are thinking about asking what they are doing blocking the entrance to a public park when they are no longer a gov't supported entity.
Plus who is paying for this theatre?
This could get interesting.
People are already practicing these techniques , a lady at the Corner Cafe today read the Clarin Editors note and wrote comments on the margin....!
I don't think so.Not when you and other neighbors own appts that face the entrance to the park and have been forced to listen to loudspeakers blasting Cristina's speeches every Saturday for the last 4 years.
I would think that the Vecinos de Parque Lezama association has the right to know when this circus is going to end.
Thank god I didn't move to that area. That was an area I was looking at when I came here.

But cheer up. There have been a lot fewer signs being posted by La Cámpora here in San Telmo lately, and also, interestingly, they are making their signs on quarter sheets of paper now! No more government money for their propaganda. They're starting to fade, despite their rhetoric.