La Presidenta


Sep 6, 2014
On CNN' "breaking news" just now:
Pollicita said he based his accusations on allegations first drafted by prosecutor Alberto Nisman...

And Nisman's allegations are flimsy at best and outright lies at worst, e.g. the allegation that the government tried to take down the Interpol Red Notices, which has been proven false.

This whole show is an incredibly dirty political op...
And Nisman's allegations are flimsy at best and outright lies at worst, e.g. the allegation that the government tried to take down the Interpol Red Notices, which has been proven false.

This whole show is an incredibly dirty political op...

I bet you say that to all the Camporistas.
All these ex-spys sending coded messages out to each other on live TV and the lack of likeable characters (I don´t think there are any innocent victims in the whole scandal) makes the whole mess just disgusting.

messages on tv?
Montauk, are you implying that Nisman deserved it? And what do you mean by coded messages?
@leslie23: what is "no innocent victims" supposed to mean? How about the victim found with a bullet in his head?
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