Lanata No Mas?!

Too late. The SC already said that the deadline was over. That's why afsca told them that they can add to a presentation made in proper time by a minor partner of Clarin.

Having a SC precedent, it can be enforced. You don t know but the procedure for enforcing a sentence is "do it now and complain in a new trial later".

By the way, they need to suplir in 5?????????? So gross was the excess of licenses?

Oh yes....that 'impeccably' independent body called AFSCA that's run by a Kirchnerista Taliban called Sabbatela? ...ha ha ha! INDEC AFSCA? Ha ha ha! Again, very funny! :) :rolleyes:
I wonder what you call democratic, didnt she win by 54% two years ago?
I don't know about the 54% now...68% voted against the queen a week ago. Oh, How about the 12 million people that rely on government social plans? Do they count when it comes to keeping their food on the table at election time?

You raise a very interesting many people receive planes sociales in this country MAtias? How much has government expenditure on 'planes sociales' grown since Kirchner first 'Rescued' Argentina after 2001?? This 'Democratic' government (as you like to refer to them as) has been very successful while they have their grubby hands in the AN$E$ & Reserva$ ca$h can....what happens when the $ runs out? How many do you think will vote for Cristina then Matias? 54%? ;)

I'll say it like it is, most of the 54% that originally voted are going to change horse as soon as the ca$h runs out...they are an artificial vote of non loyals who are mostly forced to it by the K punteros..just like the piqueteros they send in to do roadblocks these scared & vulnerable government dependent 'citizens' are kept on a tight rein when it comes to voting time...they get told who they should be voting for ...we'll see exactly how many of those 54% would vote her back in when inflation is eating them alive & there's no employment. :D
I don't know about the 54% now...68% voted against the queen a week ago. Oh, How about the 12 million people that rely on government social plans? Do they count when it comes to keeping their food on the table at election time?

You raise a very interesting many people receive planes sociales in this country MAtias? How much has government expenditure on 'planes sociales' grown since Kirchner first 'Rescued' Argentina after 2001?? This 'Democratic' government (as you like to refer to them as) has been very successful while they have their hands in the AN$E$ & Reserva$ fund$....what happens when the $$$ runs out? How many will vote for Cristina then?

I'll say it like it is, most of the 54% that originally voted are going to change horse as soon as the ca$h runs out...they are an artificial vote of non loyals who are mostly forced to it by the K punteros..just like the piqueteros they send in to do roadblocks against Macri in the afternoons...we'll see exactly how many of those 54% vote her back in when inflation is eating them alive & there's no employment due to lack of investment.

so its not democratic because she lost elections last week and give lots of social plans? :confused:
so its not democratic because she lost elections last week and give lots of social plans? :confused:
They are an 'artificial' vote bought with our taxes...they disappear as soon as the government Ca$h reserves run out. IF you buy votes with the stolen ANSES & reserva$ money to win an election then it isn't as democratic as you may have been led to believe Matias..I know this may come as a surprise to you but this government , in spite of it's outrageous & wasteful expenditure, still lost votes in the last election cause of the inflation & inseguridad, they can't stay in power once the money runs out. :eek: :( Sorry.
The government already favors its buddies through state advertising, and controls the distribution of newsprint, so that shouldn't be too difficult.

1) right 2) wrong.
Regarding State advertizing, SC already decided against the government. I worked on that case.
Soon is expected a second precedent about the same topic.
By the way, Clarin has no sue about that.

2) the paper was controlled by Clarin. There is no one single sue about how the paper is now distributed.
They are an 'artificial' vote bought with our taxes...they disappear as soon as the government Ca$h does. IF you buy votes with the stolen ANSES & reserva$ money to win an election then it isn't as democratic as you may have been led to believe Matias..I know this may come as a surprise to you but this government , in spite of it's outrageous & wasteful expenditure, as much as some would like them to carry on, can't stay in power once the money runs out. Sorry.

Jajajajaja, you are nuts or high or both.
They are an 'artificial' vote bought with our taxes...they disappear as soon as the government Ca$h does. IF you buy votes with the stolen ANSES & reserva$ money to win an election then it isn't as democratic as you may have been led to believe Matias..I know this may come as a surprise to you but this government , in spite of it's outrageous & wasteful expenditure, as much as some would like them to carry on, can't stay in power once the money runs out. Sorry.

about the buying votes or clientelismo.... it happens, you know? its something totally mundane, common, its an exchange of favours, thats how the world works, you give me this and I give you that, it happens with governmenst and corporations, why would not happen between persons? its naive to think that people vote because of their values, morally or whatever, they vote according if they are in a good or bad position economically.
about the buying votes or clientelismo.... it happens, you know? its something totally mundane, common, its an exchange of favours, thats how the world works, you give me this and I give you that, it happens with governmenst and corporations, why would not happen between persons? its naive to think that people vote because of their values, morally or whatever, they vote according if they are in a good or bad position economically.

any country where shit like this happens is not a proper democracy.