Lanata No Mas?!

When you play Monopoly by buying every small cable operator in the area by lowering prices until they are sucked up and then rising again and becoming the only cable in town. I think it does matter as well. Putting a limit on how big a cable company can be, it's a measure against that. I think the cable limit should be a bit higher, but still ok with it.
See Comcast case in the US.

I have dealt with both Comcast and CableVisión, and the latter is light years better.
Just Google "Videos porno La Sueca Larson Orgia y extorsion"....!! may still be available...!! menage a 4

I'm shocked. What more can I say?
Hi Bajo, great speach..te felicito...but I still would like your opinion...what happens with the other violator of the ley the medios such as the K telefe group?
They are over the 35% limits why let them off the hook just cause they agree with Cristina?

You are missinformed. Afsca didn't decided on that case yet. But they presented a plan because afsca stablished they are exceded in 35%:

For serious critics, please wait until the desicion.
You are missinformed. Afsca didn't decided on that case yet. But they presented a plan because afsca stablished they are exceded in 35%:

For serious critics, please wait until the desicion.
Serious? ...Oh so we should wait for Cristina to finish off Clarin first so that when she finally has 100% dominance of all the news media, we can trust that she'll do 'the right thing' & do the same to her own K media interests in the ** future ** ? ...thank you now you do admit that Telefe DID VIOLATE the 35% rule after seems that I wasn't all that "misinformed" after all. And Telecentro & Villa MAnzana? But you're trying to convince me that we should trust that that they will be dealt with later. When? and how will we know? Will it be announced in the 678 news?

Let's do the maths again...80% of the media is either owned or friendly towards the K regime cause they receive government FUNDING$ directly & indirectly....and part of that same 80% was in clear breach of the ley de medios, but according to your rationale, only el grupo Clarin should be dismembered & sold off to K friendly empresarios? ONLY CLARIN has to have the Ley de Medios applied to it ...Not K TELEFE & others?


As I have said a million times before...I AGREE with most of the spirit of the Ley de Medios....but not when the K government ONLY applies it to the only media group that they don't have influence over. How can anyone in their right mind, be that naive to believe Cristina's line that for altruistic reasons, she's going to destroy Clarin so that you and me can breathe fresh unpolluted air? Especially when every human rights group in the planet is sounding the alarm bells about the K governments' attacks on press freedoms in Argentina? Who would be silly enough to believe Cristina? Especially when she gave Hugo Chavez (yes she did) the freedom of the press award a couple of years ago?

No matter what your past record is in terms of fighting for press freedoms, this time round you're fighting for Cristina's right to control ALL the news media.
Maybe for you & your business all is going well under this K government, but that doesn't mean that it's the same for the rest of the country.
Serious? ...Oh so we should wait for Cristina to finish off Clarin first so that when she finally gets 100% of the news media, we can trust that she'll do the same to her own media interests? ...thank you now you do admit that Telefe DID VIOLATE the 35% after seems that I wasn't all that confused after all. And Telecentro & Villa MAnzana?

Let's do the maths again...80% of the media is either owned or friendly towards the K regime cause they receive government FUNDING$ directly & indirectly....and part of that same 80% was in clear breach of the ley de medios, but according to your rationale, only el grupo Clarin should be dismembered & sold off to K friendly empresarios? ONLY CLARIN has to have the Ley de Medios applied to it ...Not K TELEFE & others?


As I have said a million times before...I AGREE with most of the spirit of the Ley de Medios....but not when the K government ONLY applies it to the only media group that they don't have influence over. How can anyone in their right mind, be that naive to believe Cristina's line that for altruistic reasons, she's going to destroy Clarin so that you and me can breathe fresh unpolluted air? Especially when every human rights group in the planet is sounding the alarm bells about the K governments' attacks on press freedoms in Argentina? Who would be silly enough to believe Cristina? Especially when she gave Hugo Chavez (yes she did) the freedom of the press award a couple of years ago?

No matter what your past record is in terms of fighting for press freedoms, this time round you're fighting for Cristina's right to control ALL the news media.
Maybe for you & your business all is going well under this K government, but that doesn't mean that it's the same for the rest of the country.

Admit what? it is public information that Telefe exceds what the law permits. TELEFE proposed a volunteer plan and the authority din't decided yet. The same with the other 2 you mentioned.

Clarin, instead, was rebel.

As far as I know the public administration, they limited resources and Clarin is making his best effort for getting all the public resources against them. So, of course that it is a priority to enforce the law to Clarin and anything else can wait.

All the other bla, is your personal opinion or expresion of wishes. Until now I have evidenced too many times how unaccurate your asserts are.
Oh and under the Ks the Cablevission service will be guaranteed to be more competitive & a better banda ancha? Like the mobile phone network? Filters on youtube anybody?
Until now I have evidenced too many times how unaccurate your asserts are.
Evidence?'s a bit more of my own 'evidence' for you Bajo:


Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú (Journalist) who went to Washing to denounce the K government's attacks on journalists returned home to find AFIP inspectors nocking on her door. To all those pro 'Ley de medios' on this board , can you honestly keep a 'straight face' when you tell me that the Ley de medios is not another tool to suppress dissenting voices?

La nacion Miércoles 06 de noviembre de 2013 | 15:59
Inspectores de la AFIP visitaron a Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú
La periodista regresó el lunes de Washington, donde denunció intimidaciones y amenazas a periodistas por parte del Gobierno

Or and how about when you talk to the press about inflation in Argentina? Have a read of this link bellow - before the elections, Moreno has just been caught threatening a woman who runs a soup kitchen for the homeless ! How dare she speak to the press about inflation in Argentina..Oh sure, when we have no Clarin & La Nacion and all the News media is firmly under Cristina's iron fist all will be revealed! ;)
Moreno llamó a Margarita Barrientos para "retarla" por hablar de precios
El funcionario le dijo que le iba a mandar todos los días a un secretario al comedor Los Piletones.
TELEFE proposed a volunteer plan and the authority din't decided yet. The same with the other 2 you mentioned.
So, it just so happens that the emergency to act is on only with Clarin...the last free 20% of non K press news media left in the country?. Telefe & the other violators are not going to volunteer for self decapitation after Clarin is gone..only if you believe in flying pigs would you believe that promise.
Oh and under the Ks the Cablevission service will be guaranteed to be more competitive & a better banda ancha? Like the mobile phone network? Filters on youtube anybody?

You confuse freedom of press with quality of a private coments.
You confuse freedom of press with quality of a private service...
What service? Just like Cristina's Sarmiento? Mobile phone networks? INdependent Justicia? etc etc ..You confuse 'K' with freedom. Oil & water never mix.