Lanata No Mas?!

Which is exactly what exposes the media law as a Kirchnerist attack on political enemies. Cable TV does not take up a frequency, only "air TV" does.
When you play Monopoly by buying every small cable operator in the area by lowering prices until they are sucked up and then rising again and becoming the only cable in town. I think it does matter as well. Putting a limit on how big a cable company can be, it's a measure against that. I think the cable limit should be a bit higher, but still ok with it.
See Comcast case in the US.
What concerns me to the point of apoplexy is what's going to happen to La Sueca.
What will I do?

She will do what she did before as shown in the videos....!! :wub: She knows the Best Way for a girl to get to the Top.... :cool:
She could hardly find a job in Scandinavia.....! she is "una del monton".... !!
Internationalguy, I don´t defend the K people, I just clarify what is true and what is a lie.
Somebody asserted the media law was enforced only to Clarin and I showed that it wasn´t like tha, there are 29 companies under the media law and Clarin is the only rebel. Somebody else with somekind of moral superiority said than in a real democracy blablabla and I evidence that the democracy he/she was refering is not better than this one, in fact, a lot worst. It was said too, that this law wasn´t needed because children was dying like cockroaches because of this government. I evidenced that he/she was wrong because child mortality fall 27%.

There are many things to critize to this government without to lie.

Freedom of press is a topic I know from first hand.
I worked on a leading case some years ago that we won at Supreme Court where the government of a province suddenly took away all the official advertizing as a punishment for an article of a newspaper. Supreme Court said that to manipulate the official advertizing as the carrot and the stick violates the freedom of press.

So, I have some idea about freedom of press.

There are 3 different issues with the freedom of press. 1) to use the official advertizing to punish or reward newspapers 2) the monopolie of paper press 3) the monopoly of the media.

In 1) is the goverment who abuse of power using the official advertizing as a reward for media addicted or as a punishment to free press (no giving official advertizing). Here is where serious criticism should be focus.

The SC also decided in favor of a newspaper in the following leading case "Editorial Perfil":
Here is the government who jeopardizes the freedom of press and the SC put a limit.
I read recentrly that SC is going to decide again against the government in another case on this subject.

2) Clarin and La Nacion had the monopoly of press paper. They dictators kiddnaped the familly of the former owner of the factory to force him to sell the company.
a) During the dictatorship Clarin was brived with the factory of paper and they censorship other newspapers just don´t selling the paper.
B) During democracy, Clarin used to sell the paper to himself under the cost. This illegal maneuver sent to buncrupsy most of the others newspapers. Now it is administrated by the State. The other newspapers had to pay the paper 58% more expensive than Clarin.
Here is Clarin who jeopardizes the freedom of press and the government put a limit.


3) The third issue is the monopoly of the media.
The American Convention on Human Rights is part of the Argentine National Constitution. Article 13 says:

3. The right of exp<b></b>ression may not be restricted by indirect methods or means, such as the abuse of government or private controls over newsprint, radio broadcasting frequencies, or equipment used in the dissemination of information, or by any other means tending to impede the communication and circulation of ideas and opinions.

The Clarin Group lost the case because of art. 13.


Hi Bajo, great speach..te felicito...but I still would like your opinion...what happens with the other violator of the ley the medios such as the K telefe group?
They are over the 35% limits why let them off the hook just cause they agree with Cristina?
What videos?
Got me curious now...

Just Google "Videos porno La Sueca Larson Orgia y extorsion"....!! may still be available...!! menage a 4

Rich One, once again, Im not a K fundamentalist, in more than ten years, with its elections I never ever voted for them. I simply find their main economic policies fine, and a lot of others too, the thing they did with the militars, gay marriage and gender identity, and fighting against the media (the first government who does this), a lot of things well done. For the first time in decades we re not getting people into poverty but the oposite, getting them out of it, and its not indec data, its hard data of UN, world bank, etc.

I never said this government wasnt corrupt, what I do say, is that corruption is not only a patrimony of this government, it is the country that is corrupted, from the empresarios to the carnicero, the inspecctor of Cromagnon, everywhere this country is corrupted. It is this government, but also the past and the following. It is Carrio, Macri, Binner, the Ks, everyone who is in politics, except some people, like some minority parties loyal to their ideas, I know, for instance, that Taiana is not corrupt, Filmus neither.

It is naive at least to suppose that corruption is only a patrimony of this people. The upper classes in this country, as I said before, are very corrupted, the sojeros, who try to evade taxes, the financiaal groups, like EXXEL, the K friends, who are A LOT more of people of what we think, from construction to Techint, highways, hospitals, airports, a lot of empresarios thaat negotiated with the Ks the last ten years.

I respect your opinion, if we all feel the way you do the FPV would have obtained 100% of the votes...!! this is democracy 39 % of the electorate agrees with you....! C'est la Vie..!
From the El Popular la sueca article:

"La chica estaba totalmente ebria y borracha", aseguró Noelia.

Just a quick technical question, how do you get both ebrio and borracho? I've been trying everything and can never get past one or the other...
From the El Popular la sueca article:

Just a quick technical question, how do you get both ebrio and borracho? I've been trying everything and can never get past one or the other...

Hard to tell how you can be ebria and borracha , however she did a good job (I hear) seemed motivated... to entertain...What other motive to engage with 3 males...? Than She was loaded and inebriated or fuddled....all at the same time