Latest, Best Spelling Errors On This Site!

I don't disagree with you if the meaning is unclear, but few people make comments asking for clarification. Most of the comments are just petty.

There's nothing wrong with the occasional chuckle, so long as you don't make it personal.
In the U.S. it's spelled favorite and in England it's spelled favourite, isn't it ? Like theater and theatre, color and colour. Both forms are correct.

Yes I know, was being pedantic. Yes England and about 1.5 billion other English speaking people use a U for Favourite, Colour,etc
Aren't we supposed to be native (semi) English speaking expats? The spelling mistakes on this site are crazy, and often hilarious.

My latest favorite, about Joe's nemesis, who someone suggested was trying to BLACKMALE him.

Interesting image that conjures up...
Maybe someone could be "backmaled", it's a new word. It's the new web/electronic English, that kids like to use.
I think every non native English speaking person should be proud of their skills. I would never consider writing something on a Spanish language forum.

As an aside to show how even the 'great and mighty' make mistakes, today I saw in Metro( a London newspaper) a report about people using 'course language' instead of 'coarse language'.

And Manchester United are selling from their shop replica football shirts of their new Colombian signing 'Falcao' as 'Flacao'. Oops!